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C. R. Chipanda v. R., Crim. App. 63-D-68; 6/4/68; Duff, J.

C. R. Chipanda v. R., Crim. App. 63-D-68; 6/4/68; Duff, J.

Appellant was convicted of failure to pay the statutory minimum wage contrary to Section 12(1) of the Regulation of Wages and Terms of Employment Ord. Cap. 300; failure to maintain a written record of an oral contract contrary to section 35 of the Employment Ord., cap. 388; and failure to insure an employee contrary to section 25(1) and (4) of the Workmen’s Compensation Ord., cap. 263.

            Held: In view of appellant’s testimony that the alleged employee had come to his house seeking assistance in finding employment and that appellant had agreed to house him and provide pocket money until he could get a job, with the alleged employee is turn helping in the house, there was insufficient Evidence to establish the existence of a contract of service. Appeal allowed. 

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