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Jairosi Yohane v. R., Crim. App. 74-D-68, 8/4/68, Hamlyn J.

Jairosi Yohane v. R., Crim. App. 74-D-68, 8/4/68, Hamlyn J.

The district court, in hearing this case on appeal from a primary court, summarily rejected the appeal.

            Held: Section 17 of the Magistrates’ Courts Act, Cap. 537, sets out the powers of district courts in dealing with appeals from primary courts; now here is the power granted to summarily reject appeals from primary courts. The power of summary rejection of appeals is granted to the High Court alone. [Citing Cap. 537, s. 24 (1)]. The district court should have “dismissed” the appeal from the primary court, confirming the conviction and sentence of that court.

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