Court High Court of Tanzania - Mwanza
Judge Korosso J
May 19, 1983 H
Criminal Law - Impregnating a school girl - Contravention of the National Education
Act, I 1978 - Meaning of school girl - Primary School Compulsory Enrolment and
Attendance Rules, 1978.
1983 TLR p65
The record had been called to the High Court for the purpose of review of the order
A made by the District Court of Magu convicting the accused of the offence of
causing the girl not to attend primary education contrary to s.2 (4) of Act No. 25 of
1978 and Government Notice No. 129 of 1979. The main issue for consideration was
whether the impregnated girl in the instant case was a girl within the meaning of the
aforementioned legislation. B
Held: According to the record of trial court the impregnated school girl is said to be
aged 17 and she is therefore beyond the prohibited ages which are between 7 and 13
years; under the circumstances the accused cannot be said to have committed any C
offence known to law.
Case Information
Order accordingly.
No case referred to. D
Korosso, J.: This record has been called to this court for the purpose of review of the
order made by the lower court convicting the accused of the offence of causing a girl
not to attend Primary education c/s 2 (4) of Act No. 25/78, Government Notice No. E
129/79. The accused was upon conviction sentenced to a fine of Shs. 1,000/= or 7
months' imprisonment in default.
The facts of the case are briefly as follows. The accused and the girl called Martha d/o
Ludalula (P.W.2) both pupils of a certain Primary School became friends some time in
F 1978. Their friendship apparently grew stronger and more intimate until they
forgot all about their being pupils and resorted to sealing their friendship by sexual
intercourse. The girl became impregnated by the accused. The girl having been
pregnant was expelled. Her father P.W.1 reported to the police station. The accused
was consequently arrested G and charged.
In the first place I would point out that the appellant was charged under a wrong
section. Section 4 of the National Education Act No. 25/78 is only an empowering
section under which the Minister for National Education may make regulations or
rules for the better H carrying out of the National Educational Policy. In the exercise
of the powers vested on him under section 4(1) of the National Education Act No.
25/78, the Minister for Education made the Primary School Compulsory Enrolment
and Attendance Rules 1979 published by Government Notice 129/79. Under rule 2 of
the I
1983 TLR p66
aforesaid Rules, the word child is defined as any child who on the effective date has
A attained the age of eleven but not attained the age of thirteen. Under Rule 4(2) of
the aforesaid rule it is laid down thus:
Any person other than a parent who under any circumstances causes a child
not to attend B school regularly until the completion of Primary Education shall be
guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding three
thousand shillings or to both such fine and imprisonment (sic.) (ed).
It is obvious that the accused should, on the basis of the particulars of the charge,
have C been charged under the provisions of Rule 4(2) of the Primary School
(Compulsory Enrolment and attendance) Rules 1979.
The order question is whether the said Martha d/o Ludalula (P.W.2) was a girl as D
defined under the provisions of Rule 2 of the aforesaid rules. The answer is an
emphatic "No". According to the record of the trial court the said Martha d/o Ludalula
is said to be aged 17 years. She is, therefore, far above and beyond the prohibited ages
which are between 7 years and thirteen years. under the circumstances the accused
cannot be said E to have committed any offence known to the law.
The result of this case is, however, very saddening because the Primary Education of
the girl Martha d/o Ludalula has been interrupted and shortened. Apart from herself
losing the vital education, the National Education policy that every Tanzanian youth
should F receive at least a Primary School education is being defeated. This is all
chiefly because the word 'girl' has been improperly or unsuitably defined to include
only the girls aged between 7 years and 13 years. There is a real need to redefine the
word 'girl' under Rule G 2 of the Rules so that it includes girls aged up to 16 years
when it is reasonably hoped that by then every girl will under normal circumstances
have completed her primary education. Alternatively, the word "girl" should be
redefined so that it means any girl who has not completed a primary eduction. The
redefinition of the word "girl" will be H brought into harmony with the wording of
Rule 4 (1), (2) of the aforesaid rules, 1979 in which the phrase "completion of Primary
Education", is deliberately made prominent. Leaving the definition of the word "girl"
as it is, would definitely only serve to defeat and frustrate the national education
policy popularly and formally referred to as Universal I Primary Education (U.P.E).
1983 TLR p67
With the above digression I conclude by saying that the proceedings were a nullity
and A conviction illegal.
I quash the conviction, setting aside a sentence of Shs 1,000/= fine imposed on the
accused. The said fine should be restored to the accused.
B Order accordingly.
1983 TLR p67