Court High Court of Tanzania - Mwanza
Judge Lugakingira J
June 16, 1978
Criminal Practice and Procedure - Change of trial venue and magistrate - Application
for change of venue under s.80 of the Criminal Procedure Code - Grounds for
allowing change of venue. F
Criminal Practice and Procedure - Bias - Apprehension of bias of trial court
magistrate - Test for existence of reasonable apprehension of bias - Whether
subjective or objective.
The applicants were facing various charges in the district court at Tarime. Somehow
they became apprehensive G that they were not going to have a fair and impartial
trial before any magistrate at that court. So they applied for a change of venue under
s.80 of the Criminal Procedure Code. It was argued in support of the application H
that the proper test was whether there existed in the minds of the accused persons a
reasonable apprehension of bias.
Held: (i) In determining whether or not there is bias, the court should not be guided
by the subjective view of I the accused, rather the test should be whether, in the
circumstances of the case, right minded persons would think that there is a likelihood
of bias;
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(ii) in the circumstances of this case, there is nothing which would make the
minds of reasonable persons A doubt the competence of the Tarime District Court
and all its Magistrates to determine the case without bias.
Case Information
Application dismissed. B
Cases referred to:
1. R. v George Tumpes [1968] H.C.D., n.416
2. Bhag Singh v Rex [1941] 1 T.L.R. (R) 133
3. Metropolitan Properties v Lannon [1969] 1 Q.B.577 C
4. Tumaini v R [1972] E.A. 411.
5. R v Taylor, etc., ex P Vogwill [1895] 14 T.L.R. 185
Mwale, for the appellants.
Lugakingira, J.: This was an application of change of venue under s.80 of the Criminal
D Procedure Code. The applicants who are facing various charges in the district
court at Tarime are apprehensive that they will not have a fair and impartial trial if
their case is heard by any magistrate of that Court and at the said court. Their main
grounds as set out in the affidavit and argued by learned counsel Mr. Mwale are, I
think, E
(a) that the case was mentioned nineteen times and no bail was granted;
(b) that when bail was finally granted it was coupled with difficult
conditions which the High Court had to modify; F
(c) that the complainant is well off and threatens to secure imprisonment
if the case is tried at Tarime; and
(d) that the trial Magistrate similarly threatens incarceration whenever the
case comes up for mention. G
In general, Mr. Mwale submitted that in considering such an application the proper
test was whether reasonable apprehension existed in the mind of the accused. H
First of all, I do not know which record Mr. Mwale and his clients had in mind when
they spoke of 19 mentions without bail. What I have before me is a charge sheet
dated 13 October, 1977. Next, the record reveals that the applicants (and 2 others)
first appeared in court on that very day and after pleas had been taken Mr. Mwale I
applied for bail. Again, bail was granted the same day even if on difficult conditions.
I can find nothing else on the available record prior to 13 October, 1977. In the
result, I
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am not certain that the allegation in ground (a) is not misleading. What is evident, on
the contrary, is that the A disposal of this case has been held up by the actions of the
applicants and their advocate. Thus, between 13 October, 1977 and 22 February,
1978, the trial awaited the application to this Court for bail and the result of B that
application. Then on 2 March, 1978, Mr. Mwale wrote to the trial court proposing or
confirming the hearing date for 25 April, 1978. And on the latter date he appeared in
court and revealed that his clients were again applying to this court, this time for
change of venue. From these facts I am unwilling to say that the trial court indulged
in any procedural dereliction. C
The four grounds do not call for individual discussion at this stage. Suffice it to say
that they were put forward generally as evidence from which bias could be inferred.
I have already indicated that in Mr. Mwale's view the test is whether reasonable
apprehension of bias exists in the mind of the accused. Mr. Mwale is not alone in D
saying so. Similar views were expressed by this court, In re R. v George Tumpes
[1968] H.C.D. n.416 and earlier in Bhag Singh v Rex [1941] 1 TLR (R) 133. In the
latter case it was held by Wilson, J., I quote,
...... the proper test to apply ...... is not whether the Magistrate is actually
prejudiced against the accused, but whether there E exists in the mind of the accused
a reasonable apprehension that he will not have a fair and unprejudiced trial before
the magistrate in question; and that in deciding what is a reasonable apprehension on
the part of the accused regard F must be had not to abstract standards of
reasonableness but to the standard of honesty and impartiality of the accused himself
and his degree of education and intelligence.
Attractive as the above view may sound, I am not prepared to say that it is not
without its dangers. However G learned and intelligent the accused might be, can it
be reasonably expected that his predicament and obvious wishes would leave him an
entirely impartial man? Doesn't this test, which is wholly subjective, make the error
of constituting the accused a judge of his own cause? I think, with respect, that the
correct view is that the test H should be objective. The talk is therefore about
"reasonable persons" rather that "reasonable accused". In Metropolitan Properties v
Lannon, [1969] 1 Q.B. 577, for instance, Lord Denning, M.R. said (at p.599):
In considering whether there was a likelihood of bias, the court does not look
at the mind of the justice himself or at the I mind of the chairman of the tribunal or
whoever it may be, who sits in a judicial
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capacity. It does not look to see if there was a real likelihood that he would or
did, in fact, favour one side at the expense A of the other. The court looks at the
impression which would be given to other people. Even if he was as impartial as
could be, nevertheless if right-minded persons could think that, in the circumstances,
there was a real likelihood of bias on his part, then he should not sit. B
This passage was quoted with approval by this court in Tumaini v R. [1972] E.A. 441
at pp.444. On my part I think that the objective approach commends itself to reason
and common sense. I cannot persuade myself to C accept a view where the accused
were permitted to set the standard for the guidance of the court and I must confess
that I have never before encountered such a view except in the two cases first cited.
Were the court to be guided by a subjective test I do not see how they could guard
against accused persons who, in the words of D Day, J. in R. v Taylor etc ex p.
Vogwill (1895),14 T.L.R. 185 would jump at "anything at any time which could make
fools suspect." In the result, I hold that the correct principle is set out in the
Metropolitan Properties and Tumaini cases.
Now, in this case, has anything transpired that in the minds of reasonable persons
would disqualify the Tarime E District court and all its Magistrates from trying the
case? I was told of 19 mentions without bail and I have already shown the falsity of
the allegation. I was then told of bail being granted with impossible conditions. It
was never suggested, however, that these conditions were imposed on account of any
bias on the mind of the F trial magistrate. What transpires is that the trial magistrate
overreached himself in his enthusiasm to meet the prosecutor's prayers. That, to my
mind, was a wrong exercise of discretion which pointed to the magistrate's
understanding of his duty rather than to a poisoned state of mind. I was finally told
that the complainant threatens to secure the applicants' imprisonment if the case is
tried at Tarime. Typically, that is jumping at "anything at any G time which could
make fools suspect." The complainant is not the magistrate. If it is feared that he
would attempt to use his alleged wealth to influence the verdict, there is nothing to
prevent him from doing so regardless H of the venue. On the other hand, I do not
believe that the trial magistrate has been threatening to imprison the applicants if
they have not been misbehaving in his court. If their constant interlocutory
complaints are anything to go by I think they might have urged the magistrate to
make the warning he did.
In summary I find nothing upon which reasonable persons would doubt the partiality
of Tarime District Court and I all its magistrates. It seems that the applicants are
self-persecuting by belief in their own
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imaginations. I dismiss the application and order that the trial proceeds at Tarime
District Court before any A competent magistrate stationed there.
Application dismissed.
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