Court High Court of Tanzania - Dodoma
Judge Samatta J
15th September, 1987. A
Family Law - Divorce - Grounds - Cruelty - What amounts to cruelty. B
The appellant petitioned for divorce before a Primary Court on the ground that quite
often the respondent used to subject her to violence. The court granted the divorce
after being satisfied that the marriage had broken down C irreparably. The District
Court reversed the decision of the Primary Court on the ground that the ill-treatment
to which the appellant was subjected was reasonable tear and wear of married life. It
was in evidence that the respondent assaulted the appellant on three occasions. On
one occasion the assault was perpetrated when she was nine months pregnant. D
Held: The Primary Court was right, when these assaults are considered in the light of
the general atmosphere prevailing at the matrimonial home, to hold, as it did, that the
parties' marriage had irreparably broken down. E
Appeal allowed.
Case referred to:
1. McEwan v McEwan (1946) 108 Sol. Journ. 198 F
Samatta, J.: This is an appeal from a decision of the District Court of Mpwapwa
District whereby a decision of the Primary Court of Zoissa dissolving the parties'
marriage was set aside. G
Having given the case anxious and, I hope, careful consideration, I have reached the
settled opinion that the appeal must be allowed. The appellant based her prayer for a
decree of divorce on the ground that quite often the respondent used to subject her to
violence. In his evidence the respondent asserted that he beat up the H appellant
only on one occasion; he asserted that he did so because she provoked him. The
Primary Court analysed the evidence at length and came to the conclusion, among
others, that the appellant had established that the respondent had assaulted her on
three (separate) occasions. The district Magistrate was unable to uphold I this
1986 TLR p245
In his opinion, the appellant had proved only two instances of assault. The magistrate
went on to say: A
... The basic question in this case was whether: If a husband is guilty of
assaulting his wife twice, would that (on its own) B entitle a court to hold that the
marriage has irreparably foundered and consequently tear the marriage vows apart?
In my considered view, I think it would not. Admittedly, no persons has any right to
assault his or her spouse - (although s. C 66 of the Act speaks of the infliction of
corporal punishment). However, I do not think that if a person is found guilty of
assaulting his spouse twice, and such assaults are not serious, that would make a court
of law conclude that the marriage has irreparably broken down. As it was rightly
observed by Lord Denning, L.J. (as he then was) Married couples D have to put up
with all vexations, the quarrels, and the troubles which are ordinary incidents of
married life. They have taken each for better and for worse. They must put up with
temperament and defects of character of each other. But there E may come a time
when defects of character or temperament may be such as to amount to cruelty, but it
all depends on the facts of the (See the case of Mc Ewan v Mc Ewan (1946) 108 So.
Jour. 198). Similarly, it is common ground to expect misunderstanding in the married
life - which may culminate in person assaulting his or her spouse. If such incidents F
occur - and a person twice assaults his or her spouse - I do not think that that alone
would be sufficient to justify a reasonable tribunal to conclude that the marriage vows
have been torn apart beyond repair. A marriage bond or contract G (for that matter)
- sanctity as it is should not be set aside lightly; in the absence of evidence that the
same has foundered beyond repair.
While I entirely agree with the District Magistrate that a marriage bond should not be
set aside lightly, I am unable H to share his view that the Primary Court strayed into
an error in holding, as it did, that the appellant had established that she had been
subjected to violence on three occasions. The Primary Court's finding was founded
upon the evidence of the appellant as corroborated by the testimony of Thadayo
Mkoi, a Church I Councillor, who told the trial court that the respondent admitted
before the Church Council to have assaulted the appellant on three occasions. I also
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with the District Magistrate on his finding that the parties' marriage has not
irreparably broken down. There can A be no doubt that at least on two of the three
occasions the assaults were serious ones. One of those occasions was referred to by a
member of a local Reconciliation Board, Afoniso Shauri. The witness told the trial
court this
Nakumbuka mdai ndiye aliyekuja kushitaki kwamba amepigwa na Bwana
wake (mdaiwa). Bwana wake akaitwa akaja B hapo akakana kwamba hakumpiga
ikabidi huyu mdai apate barua aje kwenye hospitali alivyokuja akachunguzwa C
akaonekana alipata maumivu kwenye mkono wa kulia na alivimba kwenye Bega na
jicho la mkono wa kulia lilikuwa lekundu ndipo hapo akakubali mdaiwa kwamba
kweli alimpiga mdai...
The second occasion was when, according to the appellant's evidence (which was not
challenged on the point), D the assault was perpetrated when the appellant was nine
months pregnant. In my opinion, the Primary Court was right, when these assaults
are considered in the light of the general atmosphere prevailing at the matrimonial
home (described by the appellant in her evidence and to a limited extent admitted by
the respondent), to hold, as E it did, that the parties' marriage had irreparably
broken down. The ill-treatment which the respondent has been subjecting the
appellant to cannot, in my considered opinion, be described as the reasonable wear
and tear F of married life. The law does not expect a wife to put up with the kind of
ill-treatment the respondent has been subjecting the appellant to. I would allow the
The appeal is allowed, the decision of the District Court is recalled and that of the
Primary Court restored. The appellant will have her costs in this Court as well as in
the two courts below. G
Appeal allowed.
1986 TLR p247