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Charles s/o Hizza v. R., Crim. App. 553-D-67, 30/8/67, Hamlyn J. Accused was convicted of stealing Shs. 7,000/- from the Workers’ Development Corporation, and sentenced to 2 years and 24 strokes under the Minimum Sentences Act. Held: “The Workers” Development Corporation … is not a Trades Union though the shares are wholly held by NUTA----- a Trades Union. This being the case, the offence appears not to fall within Part 1 of the Schedule to the Minimum Sentences Act.” In view of the large amount stolen, the sentence of 2 years imprisonment was confirmed; sentence of 24 strokes was set aside.

Charles s/o Hizza v. R., Crim. App. 553-D-67, 30/8/67, Hamlyn J.

Accused was convicted of stealing Shs. 7,000/- from the Workers’ Development Corporation, and sentenced to 2 years and 24 strokes under the Minimum Sentences Act.

            Held: “The Workers” Development Corporation … is not a Trades Union though the shares are wholly held by NUTA----- a Trades Union. This being the case, the offence appears not to fall within Part 1 of the Schedule to the  Minimum Sentences Act.” In view of the large amount stolen, the sentence of 2 years imprisonment was confirmed; sentence of 24 strokes was set aside.

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