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Agnes Asser Mguya v. Bakisi E. Mbaga, Misc. Crim. Cause 32-D-67, 6/9/67, Saidi, J.

Agnes Asser Mguya v. Bakisi E. Mbaga, Misc. Crim. Cause 32-D-67, 6/9/67, Saidi, J.

Appellant, who is unmarried, sought payment for expenses connected with her pregnancy, and child support payments, from the man who sired her child.

            Held: (1) The Local Customary Law (Declaration) order 1963, Govt. Notice No. 279, clause 189 specifically provides for recovery in a situation such as this one,  “….. for any expenses connected with the pregnancy and child birth.” (2) Respondent’s salary was Shs. 630/- per month. He was Ordered to pay appellant Shs. 100/- per month until the child reaches the age of majority, this amount being subject to review “……in the event circumstances change.”


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