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R. v. Teodosia s/o Alifa, District Court Crim. Case 252 Mbeya 67; -/-/67; Inspection Note by Saidi, J.

R. v. Teodosia s/o Alifa, District Court Crim. Case 252 Mbeya 67; -/-/67; Inspection Note by Saidi, J.

The accused, young men of 18 and 19 years of age, one of  whom was a student, were convicted on their own pleas of stealing certain properties of Frelimo, a political party. Neither had been convicted previously. Both were sentenced to one month’s imprisonment, and had already served their sentence at the time of the High Court judgment.

            The Court noted, “This Court has repeatedly raised objection to short prison sentences such as the one imposed in the present case, for the reason that they hardly serve any good purpose and apart from this they tend to bring the convicts in contact with experienced criminals and make it difficult for them to reform.” The case was thought suitable for a conditional discharge order, a binding over order, or a probation order.

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