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Ramzani G. Virji v. R., Crim. App. 426-M-69, 27/9/69, Bramble

Ramzani G. Virji v. R., Crim. App. 426-M-69, 27/9/69, Bramble

The appellant was convicted of giving false information to a person employed in the public service c/s 122(a) P.C.

Held: “It cannot be said that the false information here was likely to cause the police officer not to do something which he ought to have done. If he wanted the vehicle inspected he should take the vehicle to the inspector as the appellant was unwilling to drive his vehicle to the station. This could only have been the inconvenience. He was likely to be charged for refusing to send the vehicle for inspection and he was in fact so charged. It cannot be said that every lie told to a police constable could involve an offence under the section.” Appeal allowed.

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