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Ramadhani Juma and others v. R., Crim. App. 265-A-68, 15/10/69, Platt J.

Ramadhani Juma and others v. R., Crim. App. 265-A-68, 15/10/69, Platt J.

The appellants were convicted of theft by servant c/ss 271 and 265, Penal Code. In the course of his judgment, the magistrate referred to an unaffirmed statement made by the third appellant at the trial as corroboration for other evidence implicating the other appellants.

Held: (1) An unaffirmed statement is not evidence in a case generally, and can only be taken into account for or against the author of the statement personally. It cannot be used as against other accused. (2) For other reasons, appeals dismissed.

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