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Cosmas s/o Athuman v. R., Crim. App. 517-D-66; 19/5/66; 19/5/67; Saidi, J.

Cosmas s/o Athuman v. R., Crim. App. 517-D-66; 19/5/66; 19/5/67; Saidi, J.

Accused was convicted of burglary and stealing. He appealed and filed a copy of the judgment of the trial court but the record of the trial court had been lost.

            Held; The judgment of the trial court was not sufficiently elaborate to form the basis for the consideration of the appeal. Although noting that it would “inevitably cause inconvenience to the appellant, who has already been in jail since 5th July 1966,” the court quashed the conviction and ordered that he be re-tried on the same charges.

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