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John Swagila v. Rubigisa Nyanda (PC) Civ. App. 1-M-70; 6/3/70; Kimicha J.


John Swagila v. Rubigisa Nyanda (PC) Civ. App. 1-M-70; 6/3/70; Kimicha J.

The respondent sued the appellant for Shs. 400/- being compensation for damage to his cotton crop caused by the appellant’s cattle. The trial court was satisfied that the appellant’s cattle fed on the respondent’s crop and awarded Shs. 200/-. The District court upheld the primary court’s decision.

            Held: (1) “After examining the record and listening to the parties’ submission in this Court I am satisfied that the lower court came to the right conclusion in finding that Rubigisa has established his claim that John’s cattle had damaged his cotton crop. I have also no reason to differ with the lower courts in their assessment of the damage.” (2) Appeal dismissed.

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