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Every judgment must comply with the following statutory requirements.

Section 312 of CPA and the case of Ahmed s/o Mahamedi v R (1969) HCD No. 235.

i. Be in writing or reduced to writing under the personal direction and superintendence of the presiding judge or magistrate;

ii. Be in the language of the court;

iii. Contain the point or points for determination;

iv. Contain the decision of the court and the reasons for that decision;

v. Be dated and signed by the presiding officer as of the date on which it is pronounced in court;

vi. In the case of a conviction, the judgment shall specify the offence of which, and the section of the statute which the accused person is convicted and the punishment to which he is sentenced.

vii. In the case of an acquittal, the judgment shall state the offence of which the accused person is acquitted and shall direct that he be set at liberty.

In addition, the following directions from case law have been provided:

• If a judgment refers to a witness or accused person, it should refer to them by name and number (e.g. Mussa Ally (PW4). They should not be referred to by number or letter of alphabet as this may lead to confusion.

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