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Alfred s/o Jacob v. Republic, (PC) Crim. App. 40-M-70; 12/5/70; Seaton J.

Alfred s/o Jacob v. Republic, (PC) Crim. App. 40-M-70; 12/5/70; Seaton J.

The appellant was charged with and convicted of stealing materials entrusted to him by a customer for making new clothes and repairs. His conviction was upheld by the District Court and he appealed on the grounds inter alia that the Primary Court which tried the case had no jurisdiction because the offence was committed within the local limits of the jurisdiction of another court.

            Held: The fact that the offence was committed within the local limits of another court does “not deprive the Primary Court of jurisdiction; s. 19 (1) (b) of the Third Schedule to the Magistrates’ Courts Act (Cap. 537) also confers jurisdiction upon a court within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the appellant (as in the present case) was in custody on a charge for the offence.” Appeal dismissed.

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