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Ramadhani v. Mohamed (PC) Civ. App. 43-D-70; Saidi J.


Ramadhani v. Mohamed (PC) Civ. App. 43-D-70; Saidi J.

The appellant claimed a piece of grazing land. The court did not believe that he had a right to the land claimed but went on to observe that even if his claim succeeded it would not help him.

            Held: (1) “Even if the claim were to succeed the appellant would not benefit at all, because the whole area has recently been declared an ujamaa village. What all parties have to do now is to join in this ujamaa village or guilt the are and start a residence elsewhere. It may be that the land allocating authority would consider giving the appellant and alternative piece of land elsewhere so that he may go on with his grazing and cultivation as before.” (2) Appeal dismissed.

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