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No appeal on plea of guilty.

Section 360 of The Criminal Procedure Act [CAP. 20 R.E. 2019] 

360.-(1) No appeal shall be allowed in the case of any accused person who has pleaded guilty and has been convicted on such plea by a subordinate court except as to the extent or legality of the sentence. 

 (2) Except with the leave of the High Court, no appeal shall be allowed in cases in which a subordinate court has passed a sentence of a fine not exceeding one thousand shillings only, or of corporal punishment only imposed on a person under sixteen years of age, or from a sentence of imprisonment in default of the payment of a fine if no substantive sentence of imprisonment has been passed. 

 (3) No sentence which would not otherwise be liable to appeal shall be appealable on the ground that the person convicted is ordered to find security to keep the peace. 

In simple terms, Section 360 of The Criminal Procedure Act states the following:

If a person accused of a crime pleads guilty and is convicted by a lower court, they cannot appeal the conviction itself, except if they want to challenge the legality of the sentence given to them.

In cases where the lower court has imposed a fine of up to one thousand shillings only, or has given corporal punishment to a person under sixteen years of age, or has sentenced imprisonment as a penalty for not paying a fine (without giving an additional substantive prison sentence), no appeal can be made without obtaining permission from the High Court.

A sentence that is not normally eligible for appeal cannot be appealed solely on the grounds that the convicted person is ordered to provide security to maintain peace.

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