Court High Court of Tanzania - Tabora
Judge Chipeta J
23 December, 1987 F
Criminal Law - Evidence - Probative value of evidence based solely on identification -
Identification by single witness.
Criminal Law - Sentencing - Assessment of sentence - Factors to be considered. G
The three appellants were charged with and convicted of being in possession of instruments
with intent to commit a felony c/s 298(c) of the Penal Code. They were, H each, sentenced to
two years imprisonment. They appealed against their convictions and sentences.
Held: (i) Where evidence against the accused person is solely that of identification, such I
evidence must be absolutely water tight to justify a conviction;
1987 TLR p184
(ii) although the prevalence of an offence is one of the factors to be taken into A account
in assessing sentence, it is not the only factor and thus has to be considered in the light of other
Case Information
Conviction upheld but sentence commuted. B
Cases referred to:
1. R. v Eria Sebwato [1960)] EA 174.
2. Abdallah Bin Wendo v R. [1953] 20 EACA 166.
3. Waziri Amani v R. [1980] TLR 250.
4. Silvanus Leonard Nguruwe v R. [1981] TLR 66 pg. 68. C
Chipeta, J.: The three appellants, namely, Yassin Maulidi Kipanta, Nasibu Hussein Bubu and Ali
Haruna Kalonda were jointly charged before Tabora District Court with the offence of being in
possession of instruments with intent to commit a felony c/s D 298(c) of the Penal Code. They
were all convicted as charged and each of them was sentenced to two years imprisonment.
Dissatisfied, they now appeal against their convictions and sentences.
The Prosecution's evidence was that during the night of 2nd March 1987, one Simon Birafumba
(P.W.1), who is a watchman, was on duty at Mabama C.C.M. office. At or E about 8.00 p.m.
that night, while standing at a corner of the building, P.W.1 saw three people whom he
identified to be the three appellants in this appeal. P.W.1 observed that the first appellant had a
panga and an iron bar, the second appellant had three F spears, while the third appellant had
two spears. As the appellants approached the building, one of them asked, "Mlinzi yuko wapi".
Thereupon, P.W.1 entered the office and saw the appellants touching the door and windows of
the building, and so P.W.1 raised an alarm.
The alarm was answered by the ward secretary (P.W.2) who immediately proceeded to G the
scene accompanied by a group of villagers among whom were militiamen.
On arrival at the office, which is only 50 paces from P.W.2's house, P.W.2 and his group saw the
second appellant running away from the scene. The second appellant H was then chased and
apprehended with his three spears. On being interrogated, the second appellant said that he had
been with the first and third appellants.
The villagers then started looking for the two appellants. They later located the third appellant
hiding under a tree near the C.C.M. office, and the first appellant was in a I house which is not
his own. Both of them were found in possession of weapons as described by
1987 TLR p185
P.W.1. They were then accordingly charged with this offence. A
In his defence, the first appellant said that on the day in question he was drunk and that he was
arrested for no reason in his room at about 9.00 a.m. Similarly, the second appellant said that on
the day in question he was very drunk and was arrested in his B room at about 8.00 p.m. for no
reason. The third appellant said that he was arrested while on his way home for no reason, and
that he too was drunk.
The learned trial senior district magistrate believed the prosecution witnesses as truthful, and
after carefully considering the circumstances in which P.W.1 saw the appellants, the C learned
magistrate was satisfied that P.W.1 had correctly identified the appellants. He accordingly
convicted the appellants as charged.
It is now well settled that where the evidence against an accused person is solely that of
identification such evidence must be absolutely watertight to justify a conviction. (see D R. v
Eria Sebwato, [1960] E.A. 174); and where the evidence of identification is that of a single
witness, there is need to test such evidence with the greatest care; what is needed is other
evidence, direct or circumstantial, pointing to the accused's guilt from which a court can
reasonably conclude that the evidence of identification, although based E on the testimony of a
single witness, can safely be accepted as free from the possibility of error. (See Abdallah Bin
Wendo v R. (1953) 20 E.A.C.A. 166). In the words of the Court of Appeal of Tanzania in the
case of Waziri Amani v Republic [1980] TLR 250, at pages 251-252: F
... evidence of visual identification, as Courts of in East Africa and England have warned
in a number of cases, is of the weakest kind and most unreliable. It follows, therefore that no
court G should act on evidence of visual identification unless all possibilities of mistaken
identity are eliminated and the court is fully satisfied that the evidence before it is absolutely
In the instant case, there was moonlight on the night in question; P.W.1 and the H appellants
live in the same village; P.W.1 saw the appellants from a distance of only twelve paces; and the
circumstances in which P.W.1 saw the culprits cannot be said to have been calculated to make
identification difficult. Indeed none of the appellants I suggested any reason why any of the
prosecution witnesses would wish to frame them.
1987 TLR p186
The evidence of identification does not stand alone. It is supported by other evidence; A the
second appellant was arrested while running away from the scene while the third appellant was
arrested as he hid under a tree; and at the time of their arrest that same night, the appellants
were found in possession of weapons described by P.W.1. Besides, the second appellant, who
was the first to be arrested, named the first and third B appellants to have been with him.
On the basis of the foregoing, I respectfully agree with the learned state attorney that the
appellants were properly and correctly identified.
The next question for consideration is whether these facts constitute the offence charged. C If a
man goes armed to a place where he has no lawful business at an odd hour and, upon hearing an
alarm, takes to his heels or goes into hiding and fails to give a reasonable explanation for his visit
to the place, the reasonable and inescapable inference D must be that such person is in such
place for the purpose of committing a felony.
In the present case, the circumstances in which the appellant were seen at the scene, the hour of
the night, their conduct at the scene and the nature of their weapons all lead to an irresistible
inference that they were there with the intent of committing a felony and that E their weapons
were instruments of housebreaking.
For these reasons, I am of the view that the conviction were fully justified.
I now turn to the sentences. In sentencing the appellants, the learned magistrate took into
consideration the fact that the offenses of breaking are very common in his District F and so he
felt that the appellants deserved stiff sentences. With unfeigned respect, the prevalence of an
offence is one of the factors to be taken into consideration in assessing sentences. But it is not
the only consideration. It must be taken into consideration along G with other factors. In the
words of the Court of Appeal of Tanzania in the case of Silvanus Leonard Nguruwe v Republic,
[1981] TLR 66 at page 68:
Prevalence of an offence is indeed a factor which a trial court should always take into
account H when assessing a proper sentence to impose in any particular case; but it would be
contrary to principle to consider this fact either as the predominant or the only factor that must
guide the court in its consideration of sentence. I
1987 TLR p187
In the instant case, the appellants were first offenders and youths aged between 18 years A and
27 years; and considering their conduct, it seems to me that they acted more foolishly that
criminally. The nature of the offence itself is aimed at preventing the omission of more serious
For these reasons, I am of the view that the sentences were manifestly excessive. A B sentence
of nine months imprisonment in my opinion, would have met the justice of the case. Since the
appellants have already served eight months of the sentences, the sentence of two years
imprisonment imposed on each of them is hereby set aside and C substituted therefore is such
sentence as will result in each of the appellant's immediate release from custody unless
otherwise lawfully held.
On fine, save for the variation of the sentences, the appellant's appeal is otherwise dismissed. D
Appeal dismissed.
1987 TLR p187