Court High Court of Tanzania - Mwanza
Judge Mwalusanya J
20th August, 1986
Cooperative Societies - Interpretation -Appointments' mentioned in s.181(c) of the Cooperative
Societies Act, 1982 - Whether they include employees of the various cooperative societies
formed under Act no. 27 of 1968. C
Labour Law - Employee of registered villages - Whether employment continued automatically
on dissolution of registered villages and establishment of cooperative societies in their stead.
D The respondent was initially employed by a cooperative society. On dissolution of
cooperative societies in 1976 his services were retained by 13 registered villages which earlier
comprised the defunct society. The respondent was interdicted from employment when he was
charged in court for theft from his employer. While the case was still pending came the
enactment of the Cooperative Societies Act, 1982. Pursuant to this Act the 13 registered villages
were E dissolved. Members of the villages formed the appellant cooperative society. The
respondent sued the appellant arguing that he was entitled, as of right, to half salary from his
employer from the day of his interdiction. F
Held: (i) The appointment envisaged in s.181(e) of the Cooperative Societies Act, 1982 are those
specifically spelt out by the statute in its provisions;
G (ii) the appellant cooperative society is quite distinct from the former respondent's
employer (the 13 registered villages) because its membership is drawn from individual members
and not from registered villages.
Case Information
Appeal allowed. H
No case referred to.
Kahangwa, for the appellant.
Katabalwa, for the respondent I
1986 TLR p64
A Mwalusanya, J.: The appellant, the Nyabioyonza Rural Primary Cooperative Society Ltd., was
successfully sued by the respondent Cosmas s/o Rumanyika at Bukoba R.M.'s Court in a claim of
Shs. 18,200/= being arrears of half-salary for the period the respondent was interdicted from
service starting from 12/6/1980 to the time of B filing the suit on 16/10/1984. In its written
statement of defence the appellant cooperative society has denied that the respondent had been
its employee.
The respondent's case at the trial was that on 1/6/1976 he was employed by the Nyabioyonza
Farmers Cooperative C Society Ltd. as a Secretary. This cooperative society was allegedly
formed by some 13 villages close to Nyabioyonza village in Karagwe District, Kagera Region. It
was not long when the aforesaid cooperative society, alongside with other cooperative societies
in the country, was dissolved by the government vide GN. 1137 of 1976. The liquidators were
D appointed by the government to look after the interests of the employees as well as settling
the assets and debts of the defunct cooperative societies. With the demise of the cooperative
societies there was a temporary vacuum as to who would handle the peasants' crop for sale to the
marketing boards.
E However in due course the problem was solved. There existed villages which were
registered under The Villages and Ujamaa Villages (Registration, Designation and
Administration) Act No. 21 of 1975. Now some crop marketing boards like Coffee Authority of
Tanzania, Tanzania Cotton Authority and National Milling Corporation appointed some of the
F registered villages to undertake the duty of crop-buying from the farmers. In the case at hand
some 13 registered villages which had earlier comprised the defunct Nyabioyonza Farmers
Cooperative Society were appointed agents for buying crops from the farmers by the aforesaid
marketing boards. The services of the respondent were retained at a salary of G Shs.700/=. In
the course of time the villages which employed the respondent dwindled from 13 villages to five
villages - namely Ahakishaka, Nyabioyonza, Bukangaza, Kijumbura and Chamchuzi. On
12/6/1980 the accused was interdicted from employment when he was charged in court for theft
of money from his employer vide Karagwe Criminal Case No. H 204/80 (it was later withdrawn
and now it is Karagwe Criminal Case No. 64/1984). That case is still pending.
Then came the enactment of the Cooperative Societies Act No. 14 of 1982. By virtue of s.
29(1)(f) of that statute, rural cooperative societies may be formed for the purpose of collecting
agricultural products from its members and to deliver I those products
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A for sale to the marketing boards. Pursuant to that statute on 5/12/1983 the appellant society,
was duly registered as a cooperative society vide registration No. 3584. It was submitted by the
respondent that this new cooperative society known as Nyabioyonza Rural Cooperative Society
Ltd. comprised all or almost all of the 13 villages which had formed B the cooperative society
which was dissolved in 1976. So the respondent submitted that he was in fact in a continuous
employment by the same employer from 1/6/1976 to this day. However counsel for the
appellant cooperative society Mr. Kahangwa argued that the members of the appellant
cooperative society are individual human beings and not villages C vide s. 24 of Act No.
14/1982. And so it was Kahangwa's submission that respondent had not been employed by the
same employer but by three distinct employers since 1/6/1976,
Be that as it may, it was the respondent's case at the trial that by virtue of s. 29 of the Security of
Employment Act Cap. D 574 (as amended by s. 17 of Act No. 1/1975), he was entitled as of
right to half salary from his employer from the day of his interdiction. And he argued that the
appellant is his present employer who is liable because he has taken over all the liabilities and
assets of the registered villages which had employed him after the dissolution of the former
cooperative E society.
The learned trial Resident Magistrate capitulated to that argument of the respondent and held
that the appellant cooperative society was indeed liable because under s. 181(g) of the
Cooperative Societies Act No. 14/1982, it took over all the assets and liabilities of the former
cooperative society. At the hearing of this appeal the respondent conceded F that the trial
magistrate was wrong to invoke s. 181(g) because it only talks of inheriting immovable property
of the former cooperative societies but not all assets and liabilities. So the judgment of the trial
court cannot be supported. G
Undaunted the respondent submitted at the hearing of the appeal as did his counsel Mr.
Katabalwa at the trial that s. 181(e) of the Cooperative Societies Act No. 14/1982 holds the new
rural cooperative societies liable as they inherit all the employees of the former cooperative
societies. This s. 181(e) reads: H
Notwithstanding the provision of s. 180 (which repeals the Cooperative Societies Act No.
27 of 1968), all orders, directions, appointments and other acts and things lawfully made or done
under any of the provisions of the Act and in force immediately I before the commencement of
this Act shall be
1986 TLR p66
A deemed to have been made or done under the corresponding provisions of this Act and
shall continue to have effect accordingly.
As the emphasized words clearly indicate, the appointments which have been saved are only
those which were made B under the Cooperative Societies Act No. 27 of 1968. But as amply
demonstrated above the appointment of the respondent was not under Act No. 27 of 1968 but
under Act No. 21 of 1975, which allowed the formation of registered C villages. And s. 5 of the
Muungano wa Vyama vya Ushirika Act No. 9 of 1979 clearly stipulates that registered villages
are deemed to be cooperative societies not under the Cooperative Societies Act No. 27 of 1968
but under s. 13 of Act No. 21 of 1975. And in any case I have serious misgivings as to whether
the appointments mentioned in s. 181 (e) of D Act No. 14/1982 include employees of the
various cooperative societies formed under Act No. 27 of 1968. The most reasonable
interpretation would appear to be that the appointments envisaged are only those specifically
spelled out by the statute in its provisions e.g. Secretary-General, Registrar, Deputy Registrar,
Assistant Registrars, etc. That sufficiently E disposes of the respondent's argument that he was
in fact an employee of the appellant cooperative society.
Then the respondent had another arrow in his armoury and he contended that his employment
must be taken to be under the cooperative Societies Act No. 27 of 1968 because he was in
'continuous employment' from 1976 to this day. In F fact the Labour officer Mr. Hamisi s/o
Mrimi (PW 3) supported him at the trial on that line whereof he cited s. 8A(i)(d) of the
Severance Allowance Act No. 81/1962 (Cap. 487), which he said recognised 'continuous
employments' of the kind G the respondent had found himself in. However I note that the
contention is misconceived. In fact the relevant section is s. 8A (3) which states that where an
employee ceases to be in the employment of one employer and enters or is deemed to enter the
employment of another employer who takes over the business, the employment of that
employee shall be H deemed to be continuous employment by one employer and the last
employer will be that one employer who will be liable for the severance allowance demanded.
The short answer to this contention is that the Severance Allowance Act does not lay a general
rule as to when an employment can be said to be continuous or not. That provision pertains to
the I
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A claims of severance allowance only. And in any case the section in question says that the
employment shall be deemed to be continuous and not that the employment is in fact
continuous. That statute clearly recognizes the naked fact that in the circumstances obtaining
here, the employment is not in fact continuous or automatic and hence its use of the word B
'deemed' for the purpose of claims of severance allowance only.
Therefore in my considered opinion, at no time was the respondent an employee of the
appellant cooperative society. Let it be noted that the appellant cooperative society is quite
distinct from the former respondent's employer (the 13 C registered villages) because its
membership is drawn from individual members and not from registered villages. The remedy of
the respondent lies in suing the 13 registered villages jointly or severally, because these were his
employers. The appellant cooperative society (this time uncooperative society) was not his
employer. Therefore this appeal is allowed with costs. D
Appeal allowed.
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