Court Court of Appeal of Tanzania - Arusha
Judge Kisanga JA
22 September, 1988
Court of Appeal Rules - No specific rule for withdrawing a notice of motion -
Invoking B provisions of Rule 3.
The advocate for appellant had filed a notice of motion asking the court for an order
of stay of execution of judgment in Arusha High Court Civil Appeal No. 39 of 1987 C
pending appeal to the Court of Appeal. On the day set for hearing the notice of
motion, the advocate for the appellant filed another application to withdraw his
Notice of Appeal. He argued that although there was no rule under the Court of
Appeal Rules which specifically provided for withdrawal of Notice of Appeal in civil
matters, the Court D could grant the application under rule 3(1) and (2)(a) of the
Held: Where the appellant no longer wishes to proceed with his intended appeal, he
should be allowed to withdraw the notice of appeal. E
Case Information
Order accordingly.
No case referred to.
D'souza, for the applicant. F
Kisanga, J.A.: Mr. D'Souza, the advocate for the applicant, had filed a notice of motion
(Civil Application No. 5 of 1987 - Zuffer Kamarali v Yunus Elias) asking this G Court
for an order of stay of execution of judgment in the Arusha High Court. Notice of the
intended appeal was duly given before the filing of the notice of motion.
On the day set for hearing the notice of motion, however, Mr. D'Souza had filed yet
H another application to withdraw his notice of appeal. Arguing in support of the
latter application, he stated that there was no rule under the Court of Appeal Rules
which specifically provided for withdrawal of notice of appeal in civil matters, but
submitted that the Court would be entitled to grant the application under r. 3(1) and
(2)(a) of the I Rules. The relevant parts of that rule say:
1988 TLR p171
(1) The practice and procedure of the court in connection with appeals and
intended A appeals from the High Court, and the practice and procedure of the High
Court in connection with appeals to the Court shall be as prescribed in these Rules,
but the Court may at any time, direct a departure from these Rules in any case in
which this is required in the interests of Justice. B
(2) Where it is necessary to make an order for the purposes of
(a) dealing with any matter for which no provision is made by
these Rules or any other written law; C
(b) ....
(c) .....
the Court may, on application or on its own motion, give directions as
to the procedure to be adopted or make any other order when it considers necessary.
Like Mr. D'Souza, I have not been able to discover any rule in the Court of Appeal
Rules which specifically allows the withdrawal of a notice of appeal in civil matters.
The nearest provision I could find is r. 95(1) which allows an appellant to withdraw
his E appeal any time after instituting the appeal but before it is called on for
hearing. However, it is apparent that that subrule could not apply here because no
appeal has been instituted in terms of r. 83. Nor could I make an order in terms of r.
84 (a) to the effect that Mr. D'Souza is deemed to have withdrawn his notice of appeal
because Mr. F D'Souza assures me that the specified period for instituting the appeal
has not run out in that the Deputy Registrar has not yet supplied him with a copy of
the proceeding which Mr. D'Souza applied for.
Yet I think it would be unfair to deny an appellant the right to withdraw his notice of
G appeal. To do that would amount to holding the appellant to the appeal against his
wish. That would not make sense, nor would it be just. In the circumstances I am
inclined to Mr. D'Souza's view that this is a fit case in which to invoke the provisions
of r.3 as set out above. In so doing I take the view that it is fair that where for one
reason or another H appellant no longer wishes to proceed with his intended appeal,
he should be allowed to withdraw the notice of appeal. It should be borne in mind
that it is the appellant himself who freely and voluntarily decided to file the notice of
appeal; it is only just that I he should be equally free to withdraw that notice. This
view would be in harmony with the
1988 TLR p172
provisions of r. 95(1) which, as stated above, permits an appellant to withdraw his A
appeal after instituting it but before it is called on for hearing. For, it would sound
almost absurd to say that a party cannot withdraw a mere notice of appeal but that he
can withdraw after he has done much more in the matter by taking steps to institute
the appeal itself. B
For these reasons I grant the application and order that the notice of appeal filed in
respect of the Arusha High Court Civil Appeal No. 39 fo 1987 be marked withdrawn.
With that, the notice of motion in Civil Application No. 5 of 1987 to this Court for
stay of execution pending appeal is also marked withdrawn. C
Order accordingly.
1988 TLR p172