Court High Court of Tanzania - Mtwara
Judge Rubama J
7th January, 1988 H
Criminal Practice and Procedure - Bail - Surety for accused person - Accused travels
to Dar es Salaam to look for an advocate -Fails to appear due to lack of transport -
Surety ordered I to pay expenses incurred by witnesses and forfeit bond - Whether
1988 TLR p6
A Gregory Ruheza had stood surety in the sum of Shs. 50,000/= for Joseph Mapema.
The accused failed to appear in court and his wife informed the Court that he had
travelled to Dar es Salaam in search of a lawyer to defend him but missed a return
flight to Mtwara. Gregory Ruheza was summoned and ordered to pay the expenses of
Shs. B 375/= for a witness from Bukoba and Shs. 240/= for a witness from Masasi or
surety was to forfeit his bail bond.
On 19th June, 1980 the accused was not in court and the trial magistrate was
informed by the surety the reasons for the absence of the accused namely the flight
from Dar es Salaam to Mtwara had been cancelled. Court ordered forfeiture of
surety's bond of Shs. C 50,000/=. Surety could not raise Shs. 50,000/= as a result was
committed to prison. He appealed against the order.
Held: (i) The trial magistrate's ruling is not a fair reflection of the facts for it is clear
that D the absence of the accused had been caused by circumstances beyond his
(ii) at the time of the hearing there was no advocate resident in Mtwara, the
accused trip to Dar es Salaam could not be viewed as an attempt of the accused to
jump bail. In the circumstances, asking the surety to forfeit Shs. 50,000/= bail bond
was not E justified;
(iii) not justified also was the order that the surety pay Shs. 375/= for a witness
from Bukoba and Shs. 240/= for a witness from Masasi;
F (iv) it is out of order for the court to order the surety to pay more than Shs.
50,000/=, the sum he had undertaken to pay when signing the bail bond.
Case Information
Order accordingly.
G Rubama, J.: Gregory Ruheza had stood surety in the sum of shs. 50,000/= for
Joseph Mapema who had been accused of several offences under the Penal Code. On
16th June, 1980 Joseph Mapema, the accused, was not in court and his wife informed
the court that her husband had gone to Dar es Salaam in search of a lawyer to defend
him but had unfortunately missed a return flight to Dar es Salaam. The case was H
adjourned to the next day the 17th June, 1980 when it was again adjourned to 19th
June, 1980. Gregory Ruheza the accused's surety who had been summoned informed
the court that he had been in contact with the accused, Joseph Mapema who had
promised I to return to Mtwara as soon as possible. He further assured the court that
he was in the process of arranging an air
1988 TLR p7
ticket for the accused to come to Mtwara from Dar es Salaam. With this explanantion
A the trial court made the following order:
The surety is ordered to pay the expenses of Shs. 375/= for a witness from
Bukoba and Shs. 240/= for a witness from Masasi, or surety to forfeit his bail bond,
whichever is less. Hearing adjourned to 19/6/80. B
On the 19th June, 1980 the accused was not in court and the trial magistrate was
informed by the surety the reasons for the absence of the accused namely the flight
from Dar es Salaam to Mtwara had been cancelled. The response to this information
by the C court is as detailed below:
This case was to be heard on 16/6/80 and witnesses have come from Bukoba
and Dar es Salaam, only to find what the accused is no where to be seen. D
The surety signed a bond of shs. 50,000/= to be forfeited in case the accused
fails to turn up. Consequently, therefore, the surety now forfeits this bond of Shs.
50,000/= after he has failed to produce the accused person. E
Order: Mention on 3/7/80.
The surety is to forfeit his bail bond of Shs. 50,000/= or six (6) months
imprisonment in default. F
The surety appears to have failed to pay Shs. 50,000/= bond and was committed to
prison. He has appealed against the court order and is fortunately on bail pending
determination of this appeal. To gain speed, I decided to deal with the subject
exercising G my revisional jurisdiction. It has not apparently been easy to serve the
appellant to appear in court.
Having gone through the record, I see no justification for the above mentioned order
made by the trial magistrate. The trial magistrate's ruling is not a fair reflection of the
facts H for it is clear that the absence of the accused had been caused by
circumstances beyond his control; neither the accused nor the surety could have done
anything about it. At the time of the hearing of this case there was no advocate living
in Mtwara; the accused's travel to Dar es Salaam in search of an advocate could
therefore not be I viewed in the light of an attempt by the accused to jump bail. The
accused had
1988 TLR p8
A every right to go in search of an advocate of his choice. His failure to return to
Mtwara in good time was forced on him by unavailability of air transport from Dar es
Salaam to Mtwara. He could do nothing about that situation and court was not put in
darkness regarding that aspect. The heavy dependence on air transport to this town
especially during the time when the case was for hearing could not have been a
disputable fact. In B the circumstances asking the surety to forfeit Shs. 50,000/= bail
bond was not justified. Not justified also was the order made on the 17th June, 1980
that the surety pay Shs. 375/- for a withness from Bukoba and shs. 240/= for a witness
from Masasi.
C When this order is considered together with that made on the 19th June, 1980, it
is clear that the court had ordered the surety to pay more than shs. 50,000/= a sum
that he the surety had undertaken to pay when signing the bail bond. This is
obviously out of order.
D For the various reasons detailed above the forfeiture order of Shs. 50,000/= bail
bond made in respect of surety as well as payment of expenses in respect of witnesses
from Bukoba and Masasi are hereby set aside. The surety is discharged.
E Order accordingly.
1988 TLR p8