Court High Court of Tanzania - Mwanza
Judge Moshi J
12 Julay, 1988 B
Contract - Of carriage - Passenger's failure to prove she boarded the bus she claims to
have boarded - Whether there was a contract of carriage.
Evidence - Assessment of - Whether appellate court may depart from trial court's
assessment. C
The appellants are appealing against a decision which had awarded the respondent
8,000/= as general damages with costs on the ground that the appellants had breached
a D contract of carriage with the respondent. The appellants argued that the trial
magistrate had erred in holding that the respondent had boarded the appellant bus. As
such, he had erred in holding that a contract of carriage existed between the two
Held: (i) There is no evidence to support the magistrate's conclusion; E
(ii) appellate courts may in rare circumstances interfere with trial court
findings of facts. It may do so in instances where trial court had omitted to consider
or had misconstrued some material evidence, or had acted on a wrong principle or
had erred in its approach to evaluating evidence; F
(iii) the trial court magistrate had erred in his approach to evaluating the
evidence by allowing speculative views to affect his decision.
Case Information
Appeal allowed. G
No case referred to.
Rugarabamu, for both appellants H
Moshi, J.: This is an appeal against the decision of the Mwanza Court of Resident
Magistrate which adjudged to the respondent shs. 8,000/= general damages with costs,
consequent upon the appellants' breach of a contract of carriage with the respondent.
Mr. Rugarabamu, learned advocate, argued the appeal for both
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appellants, Materu Leison (DW1) and John Foya (DW2), whereas the respondent, A
Mrs. Bajilo Sospeter (PW1) addressed the court in person.
It was the respondent's case that on 8/10/84 at 11.00 a.m. she boarded a Majira Bus
Service bus at Mwanza bus stand intending to travel to Ukiriguru. The bus operates B
between Mwanza/Malya route, and her husband (PW2), who escorted her to the bus
stand, paid to the first appellant, the conductor, a fare of shs. 20/=, and got a receipt.
The owner of the bus, according to her, was the second appellant.
Upon the arrival of the bus at Ukiriguru, the first appellant refused to stop it, and it C
proceeded to a spot about ten miles from Mapilinga, where it stopped, and the
respondent forced to disembark. A passenger (PW3) in the bus allegedly saw all this.
The respondent had a bag which contained her clothes and other items allegedly
worth shs. 7,000/=, and as she was walking back to her destination, she was allegedly
D attacked by unknown persons, who took away her bag. She reported the incident
at Mwanza Police Station, and subsequently filed the suit claiming general damages of
unspecified sum, special damages of shs. 7,000/= and costs. E
For their part, the appellants denied any knowledge of the respondent as a passenger
in their bus. Their buses, which are two, operate in the business name of Sinai
Enterprises Ltd., and not Majira Bus Service. Sinai Enterprises Ltd buses operate along
Mwanza/Nzega and Mwanza/Geita routes, and not Mwanza/Mallya, and they leave F
Mwanza between 7.30 a.m. and 8.30 a.m. as shown in their time table (Ext. D2) and
never at 11.00 a.m. They issue to passengers tickets (Ext. D1) bearing the letter head
"Sinai Enterprises Ltd." The claim for special damages was rejected by the trial court
and, in my view, rightly so. But the one for general damages and costs was granted,
and both appellants, on being aggrieved, have now come to this court. G
Mr. Rugarabamu's main ground of complaint at the trial and before me, is that the
learned trial resident magistrate erred in holding that the respondent boarded the
appellants' bus which, as established in evidence, is Sinai Enterprises Ltd. With
respect, H I entirely agree with him. Before the trial court, the respondent and her
two witnesses were positive that she had boarded a Majira Bus Service bus, got a
ticket, and left Mwanza at 11.00 a.m. But it would appear from the appellants'
evidence, supported as it was by their bus time-table (Ext.D2) and their type of tickets
(Ext.D1), that their I buses' operative business name is Sinai Enterprises Ltd, and not
Majira Bus Service,
1988 TLR p104
and that their buses do not leave Mwanza later than 8.30 a.m. In dealing with this
point A the learned resident magistrate had the following to say at page 4 in his
The fact that the defendants claimed that they operated their buses under the
name of Sinai B Enterprises Ltd; that only, does not mean that there was no
possibility for Majira Bus Service to have been changed to Sinai Enterprises Ltd.
With respect, this passage contains unsupported speculation and conjecture, and it C
would seem that the trial magistrate had allowed such speculative views to affect his
finding that there was a contract of carriage between the appellants and the
respondent. There was no evidence whatsoever suggestive of, let alone in support of
the magistrate's conjecture that Sinai Enterprises Ltd could have been the successor of
Majira Bus D Sevice. There was evidence that these two bus firms are not one and
same thing. They are different firms as their business names clearly shows. The ticket
allegedly issued to the respondent was not produced or shown in court during the
trial. There was no hint by the respondent that it was the same as that for Sinai
Enterprises Ltd (Ext. D1) E Produced by the appellants. Be that as it may, since there
was clear and positive evidence that the bus boarded was that of Majira bus service,
chances are glaring that the ticket was that of Majira bus service, and not Sinai
Enterprises Ltd. This is a first appeal, and this court has power to re-appraise the
evidence and draw inferences of F fact. I am keenly aware that it is only in rare
circumstances that an appellate court would interfere with the trial court's findings of
fact, and it would interfere, for instance, where the trial court had ommitted to
consider or had misconstrued some material evidence, or had acted on a wrong
principle, or had erred in its approach in evaluation of the G evidence. I am satisfied
that the trial court erred in its approach in evaluating the evidence by allowing
speculative views to affect his decision. Had the learned resident magistrate evaluated
the totality of the evidence before him with judicial objectivity, he H would most
certainly not have come to the conclusion that a contract of carriage had been
established between the appellants and the respondent.
For these reasons, I allow the appeal, and set aside the judgment of the court below
and the orders made thereunder.
In the circumstances, there shall be no order for costs. I
Appeal allowed.
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