Court High Court of Tanzania- Mbeya
Judge Mchome J
10 October, 1989
Sale of goods - Buyer discovers goods to be defective on delivery - Had no
opportunity to B inspect goods - Whether principle of caveat emptor applicable.
Sale of goods - Goods discovered to be defective - Breach of implied warranty by
seller that goods in reasonable condition. C
The appellant sued the respondent in Uyole Primary Court, Mbeya, for recovery of
5,000/= being purchase price for a tyre the respondent had sold to the appellant. After
being paid 5,000/= cash the respondent delivered the tyre to the appellant's house.
On the facts of the case, the appellant got no opportunity to inspect the tyre. He was
just D told by the respondent that the latter had a tyre for sale and asked him to
deliver it at his house. When the appellant found the tyre to be defective, that being
the first time to see it, he went to ask for the refund of his money. The Primary Court
gave judgment in favour of the appellant (original plaintiff). E
The respondent (original defendant) appealed to the District Court of Mbeya. The
District Court allowed the appeal applying the principle of caveat emptor. The
District Magistrate reasoned that the appellant was entitled to a reasonable inspection
of the goods he intended to purchase, and that if the buyer omitted or neglected to do
this at F the earliest opportunity he could not be allowed to take action at the later
On appeal by the appellant (original plaintiff) to the High Court of Tanzania. G
Held: (i) The appellant saw the tyre for the first time after it had already been
delivered to his house. He got no opportunity to inspect the tyre. So the question of
the appellant having inspected the goods at the earliest opportunity does not arise.
Thus, the principle of caveat emptor is inapplicable to this case; H
(ii) in selling a defective tyre to the appellant the respondent committed
breach of implied warrant on his part that the goods sold would be in reasonable
Case Information
Appeal allowed. I
1989 TLR p186
Mchome, J.: The Appellant, Magirini Mahinya sued the Respondent Mbwiga Mkeya
A in the Uyole Primary Court, Mbeya for recovery of 5,000/= being purchase price
for a tyre the respondent sold the appellant. The respondent after being paid the
5,000/= cash delivered the tyre at the appellant's house. When he appellant came and
found the B tyre he discovered it was defective. He returned it to the respondent and
the latter promised he would refund the appellant his money and take back his tyre.
This was way back in 1966. But the respondent never did so despite several
reminders. Hence this suit. C
In his defence the respondent totally denied to have sold the tyre to the appellant. He
alleges that the appellant and his witnesses may have mistaken him for someone else.
The Primary Court gave judgment in favour of the appellant (original plaintiff). Then
the D respondent (original defendant) appealed to the District Court. The District
Court allowed the appeal applying the principle of "Caveat emptor". This therefore is
a second appeal.
Both lower courts found that the respondent is the one who sold the tyre in question
to E the appellant. The respondent's allegation that the appellant and his witnesses
may have mistaken him for someone else was rightly rejected as the transaction took
place during broad daylight and more than once. The allegation by the respondent
that the P.Ws are F all relatives of the appellant and so should not be relied upon
was also rightly rejected by both lower courts since they are competent witnesses,
their relationship to the appellant notwithstanding, and there was no evidence that
they were lying because of their relationship with the appellant.
In allowing the first appeal the District Magistrate alleges that the appellant was
entitled G to a reasonable inspection of the goods he intended to purchase, and that
if the buyer omits or neglects to do this at the earliest opportunity he cannot be
allowed to take action at the latest stage.
The principle of caveat emptor is inapplicable to this case after the appellant had H
explained that he got no opportunity to inspect the tyre. He was just told by the
respondent that the latter had a tyre for sale and asked him to deliver it at his house.
When the tyre was brought the appellant was not at the house. P.W.II who had
instructions to receive the tyre and pay for it said he did not know the terms of their
I agreement so did not inspect the tyre. When the appellant came and found the tyre
to be defective, that being his
1989 TLR p187
first time to see it, he went to ask for the refund of his money. So the question of the
A buyer having not inspected the goods at the earliest opportunity does not arise.
Rather it is a question of a breach of implied Warranty on the part of that seller that
the goods would be in a reasonable condition. Nobody can enter into a sale agreement
to B buy a useless tyre and pay 5,000/= for it.
The respondent is a liar to say he never sold the tyre to the appellant, as he was found
by both lower courts. He is not even constant in his testimonies. He says either he
never sold the tyre at all or he sold it when it was in good order. Such contradictory
statements C make me find it most probable that the respondent not only sold the
tyre to the appellant, but also sold a defective tyre. He had admitted to have sold the
tyre and contended that it was in good order or that their oral agreement was to sell
him a defective tyre his evidence would have been worth considering. But denying
totally to D have sold the tyre make me like did the Primary Court that he is most
probably lying. I therefore allow this appeal with costs.
E Appeal allowed.
1989 TLR p187