Court High Court of Tanzania - Dar Es Salaam
Judge Msumi J
4th June, 1988 E
Administration of Estates - Execution of a will - Whether proper to choose any
person to witness the execution under customary law- Essence of witnesses especially
when the testator is old and illiterate.
Administration of Estates - Fraud - Whether fraud vitiates the validity of the will. F
Respondent petitioned the Primary Court for letters of administration in respect of
the estate of the deceased Hadija Manzi. The deceased left a house situated along
Uhuru G Street, Dar es Salaam. While the respondent's petition was pending,
appellant filed objection claiming that the said house was given to him by the
deceased in her will executed before her death in the presence of witnesses who
testified before the court in his favour. The genuineness of the will was disputed,
hence dismissed in both lower H courts. Hence this appeal.
Held: (i) The requirement that at least half of the number of witnesses to a will
executed under customary law must be related to the testator is intended to act as a
safeguard against fraud; I
(ii) where a will is surrounded by fraud, it is void.
1988 TLR p64
Case Information
Appeal dismissed. A
No case referred to.
Lamwai, for the appellant.
Muccadam, for the respondent. B
Msumi, J.: Respondent petitioned to the Primary Court for letters of administration in
respect of the estate of the deceased Hadija Manzi. Among other things, deceased left
a C house situated along Uhuru Street, Dar es Salaam. While the respondent's
petition was pending, appellant filed objection claiming that the said house was given
to him by the deceased vide her will executed before her death in the presence of four
witnesses. All the alleged four witnesses testified before the court of the said Will.
However, the D court was not satisfied with the genuineness of the alleged Will
hence dismissed the appellant's claim over the house. He unsuccessfully appealed to
the District Court. Hence this is his second appeal.
In dismissing the appellant's claim both lower courts were greatly influenced by the
fact E that none of the four witnesses to the alleged Will was related to the deceased.
To the contrary, three of them appear to have some relation with the appellant. This
observation was strongly attacked by Lamwai, the learned counsel for the appellant.
He argued that since deceased had no relatives, it was quite proper for her to choose
any person to F witness the Will. With respect, I don't agree with this argument.
The requirement that at least half of the number of witnesses to a will executed under
customary law must be related to the testator is intended to act as a safeguard against
any possible fraud against the testator and the lawful heirs to the estate. In this case it
is not true, as the learned G counsel for the appellant wants us to believe, that the
deceased had no relatives when she allegedly executed the Will in question.
According to the record four people, including the respondent, testified before the
Primary Court claiming that they were related to the deceased. For example
respondent testified, inter alia, that his mother and H that of the deceased were
sisters. The claims of all these witnesses have not been countered by any evidence.
But even if deceased had no relatives at the material time, the need to dispel the
possibility of fraud on the Will still remains. For this reason, I totally associate with
the lower courts' suggestion that in the absence of the deceased's relatives, her ten
cell I leader ought to have been included as among the witnesses to the alleged
1988 TLR p65
Will. This requirement was particularly necessary in this case bearing in mind the
fact that A deceased was a very old illiterate woman and at the time when she
allegedly executed the Will she was bedridden with long time illness. This fact
reasonably explains why Mr. F.S. Mbuya, the learned advocate who drew the Will
had to go to the house of the appellant where the deceased was staying to get the Will
executed. B
Besides the alleged Will not being witnessed by relatives of the deceased, there are
three other noticeable factors which make the Will suspect. First it is in evidence that
prior to the alleged Will, deceased had executed two wills in respect of the house in
question. In C the first will she had given the house to her husband. Later on she
executed another will in which she specifically revoked the grant of the house to her
husband and instead she donated the said house as a Waqf. Both wills were executed
before Ilala Primary Court according to the rules of Islamic Law. Appellant was aware
of this fact. Hence in D the absence of any reasonable explanation it is amazing to
note that deceased had freely decided to depart from her previous practice of
executing her wills before the Primary Court in accordance with Islamic law. The fact
that in her second will, deceased donated the house as a Waqf clearly expresses her
intention to have her personal E matters governed by Islamic law.
Secondly, according to the evidence of the appellant and four witnesses to the Will,
the advocate who drew the Will had to go to where the deceased was staying for the
purpose of executing the Will. It would appear that that was the only time when the
F advocate met the deceased in connection with the Will. In other words when the
advocate went to see the deceased on the alleged day he had already drawn the Will
ready for execution. The question which still remains unanswered is when and where
did the learned advocate confer with the deceased before he drew the Will. Or does it
mean G that all the transactions, that is getting deceased's instruction, drafting of the
Will, typing it and the execution were done on the same occasion. I find such
suggestion rather odd in that it implies that the learned advocate had to move his
office, that is his secretary together with the typewriter, sheets of paper and his office
seal, to mention a H few, to the house of the appellant where deceased was
bedridden. And even more odd, this suggestion means that while the advocate was
conferring with the deceased and the Will was being typed all the four witnesses had
already been lined up ready to put their I signatures on it. This sounds more of an
operation than routine office working practice.
1988 TLR p66
Thirdly, according to the record, deceased died in April 1985. And under the alleged
A Will appellant was appointed administrator of the deceased estate on 9/1/85. Under
this circumstance one would have reasonably expected the appellant to take the
necessary legal steps in order to effectuate the terms of the alleged Will. For example
appellant was B expected to file probate administration cause in the appropriate
court. It is thus surprising to note that appellant took no such step and instead he
remained quiet till over one year later when he raised objection against the
respondent's application for letters of administration. This dilatoriness can be
explained by the reasonable possibility that the C alleged Will was drawn and
executed after the death of the deceased. I say this because of the evidence of the
three of the four witnesses to the alleged Will regarding the date of the death of the
deceased. To the astonishment of the Primary Court, these three D witnesses
positively testified that deceased died in April 1986. At the material time all these
witnesses were tenants in the house in question hence they were bound to get first
hand information of the death of their landlady. As deposed in the alleged Will, all
these three witnesses are literate and responsible people. One of them is described as
E administrator while the other one is "a consultant". Hence their positive assertation
that deceased died in April 1986 while deceased died in April 1985. The lapse of time
was too short to be confused. Actually what the witnesses were saying is that
deceased died about three months previous to the time they were giving their
evidence. F
Appearing for the respondent, Mr. Muccadam submitted that the applicable law in
this case is Islamic law and since appellant is a christian he cannot inherit the estate of
the deceased who is a moslem. Admittedly this is a strong argument. However, I don't
think G it is necessary to pursue this argument in order to determine this appeal.
Like the two lower courts, I have decided to confine myself to the question of
genuineness of the Will in issue. I am of the considered view that the cumulative
effect of all the factors pointed out in this judgment renders the alleged Will suspect.
The circumstances surrounding the execution of the said Will irresistibly lead to the
conclusion that there are some fraudulent H conducts involved. This appeal is
therefore dismissed with costs.
I Appeal dismissed.
1988 TLR p67