Court High Court of Tanzania- Mtwara
Judge Kazimoto J
7 April, 1989 E
Family Law - Marriage - Islamic law - Ground for dissolution - Irreparably breaking
Islamic Law - Gift - Effect of gift on division of matrimonial property.
Family Law - Division of matrimonial property - Whether misconduct of spouse and
mismanagement of property are factors to be considered. F
The appellant and the respondent were husband and wife who were married
according to Islamic Law. During the subsistence of their marriage the appellant and
the respondent G had acquired four houses, a coconut farm and a stock of animals.
Matrimonial problems developed and the marriage was dissolved by an Urban
Primary Court. The respondent was proved to have been living an adulterous life.
Trial Court found that the properties were jointly acquired through their joint efforts
and awarded two houses to H the appellant and two houses to the respondent. The
farm and stock were awarded to the appellant while the respondent was awarded
Tshs.10,000/= as her share of the farm and animals. Respondent appealed to the
District Court which, inter alia, found that one of the houses was given as a gift to the
respondent's mother and should not have been a I subject of division.
1989 TLR p40
The appellant appealed to the High Court arguing, inter alia, respondent's alleged A
misconduct and mismanagement of property to be crucial in distribution of
matrimonial property.
Held: (i) Where during the subsistence of a marriage either spouse or both spouses
give B matrimonial property to another as a gift,it is presumed that such property
has been permanently given to that other person unless there is evidence to the
(ii) the house given to the respondent's mother was not a matrimonial
property and should not have been subjected to these proceedings. The District Court
was right C to exclude it from the list of matrimonial property;
(iii) although evidence in this case shows that respondent was of loose and
immoral character both Islamic law and section ll4(2)(a) of the Law of Marriage Act,
D l97l provide that a divorced woman is entitled to, and does not forfeit her share, in
the division of matrimonial property because of immoral or loose character;
(iv) misconduct by a spouse touching to the management of matrimonial
property is a relevant factor when the issue of division of matrimonial property upon
dissolution of E marriage arises. The District Court had rightly awarded the
respondent one house out of three.
Case Information
Appeal dismissed.
Kazimoto, J.: The appellant and the respondent were husband and wife and were F
married according to Islamic law. Matrimonial problems having developed the
marriage was dissolved by the Urban Primary Court. There was conclusive evidence
that the marriage had been irreparably broken down. The respondent has been
proved to have been living an adulterous life. The decision to dissolve the marriage
was not challenged G by the parties.
During the subsistence of their marriage the appellant and the respondent had
acquired four houses, a coconut farm planted with 250 trees and a stock of animals.
The trial H court found on the evidence that these properties were jointly acquired
through their joint efforts and awarded two houses to the appellant and two houses to
the respondent, the farm and stock were awarded to the appellant while the
respondent was awarded shs.10,000/= as her share for the farm and animals. The
respondent appealed to the I District Court which partly allowed the appeal.
Although the District Court found that there were four houses which were acquired
during their
1989 TLR p41
marriage it was satisfied that one house was given as a gift to the respondent's mother
A and should not have been a subject of division. With respect I agree with the
decision of the District Court. Where during the subsistence of a marriage either
spouse or both spouses give a matrimonial property to another person as a gift, it is
presumed that such property has been permanently given to that other person unless
there is evidence to the B contrary. In this case there is no such contrary evidence.
The house given to the respondent's mother was not a matrimonial property and
should not have been subjected to these proceedings. The District Court was right to
exclude it from the list of matrimonial property. Consequently the District Court
awarded two houses to the C appellant together with the coconut farm including
stock and gave the respondent one house and ordered the appellant to compensate the
respondent shs.30,000/= as her lawful share of the farm and stock. The appellant has
been aggrieved by this decision and hence this appeal. D
The appellant has submitted three grounds of appeal which are:
l. That, the first appellate court was wrong in awarding shs.30,000/= more
to the respondent as additional amount that would drive her to an equal share of
jointly E acquired matrimonial assets, when there was sufficient evidence to prove
that the respondent had arbitrarily shared out to herself some of the assets such as a
motor cycle, a pedal cycle etc ... even before the breakdown of a marriage. F
2. Having regard to the case cited, the first appellate magistrate ought to
have found that property that respondent had encroached upon before the dissolution
of marriage was enough and ought not to add more property on top of it. G
3. That the first appellate magistrate did not have in mind the fact that
where a jointly owned property is to be developed, he/she who in the first instance
shows unfaithfulness towards it is always to lose. H
This appeal has raised two important legal issues. The first to be considered and
decided is whether the respondent's alleged misconduct was in law a relevant factor
for the purpose of distribution of matrimonial assets and secondly whether a spouse I
1989 TLR p42
who mismanages matrimonial property is entitled to equality of division of assets
upon A dissolution of marriage.
Both courts below have dealt at length with the custom of the parties. The trial court
however did not say whether a moslem woman who is divorced due to misconduct is
B entitled, under Muslim custom, to anything. On appeal the learned senior resident
magistrate stated as follows:
What share should a divorced Sunni Moslem woman or man get from the
matrimonial assets? I could not lay a hand to a legal text - book on Islamic law either.
I shall therefore C assume that the two gentlemen assessors, themselves being
moslem, took note of this issue when they gave their views. The assessors seem to
agree that a woman is entitled to something from her former husband if she did not
misbehave in the management of the matrimonial assets otherwise she forfeits that
right. D
In a nutshell the learned magistrate stated that a moslem woman who misbehaves in
the management of matrimonial assets is not entitled to such assets. E
In a recently decided case of Salim Wendo v Tausi Wendo and Alfred Kasililwa High
Court (DSM Registry) Matrimonial Civil Case No. 8 of l987 (unreported) Mnzavas,
J.K. had this to say:
The parties are Muslims and as such they belong to customs of the Muslim
Community. F Under Islamic custom a divorced wife is entitled to a parting gift
(Kithumn) from her former husband.
The facts in that case are the same as in this case. The woman was, as the respondent
in G this appeal, of loose and immoral character. In that case she was given money to
start poultry business and she failed to manage it. The Hon. J.K. is a Moslem himself
and I venture to think that when he said a divorced Muslim woman who misconducts
herself is H entitled to a parting gift he is speaking about the customs to which he
belongs and has personal knowledge of such custom. It is therefore clear to me that
under section 114(2)(a) of the Law of Marriage Act l97l a divorced Muslim woman is
entitled to, and does not forfeit her share in, the division of matrimonial assets. I
1989 TLR p43
I now come to the first issue in this appeal. In this case there was evidence that the A
respondent has been guilty of gross misconduct. She not only committed acts of
adultery with the sewing machine operator as shown by the exhibits tendered in
court, which in themselves would not, in my view have affected her share in the
division of property, but also she mismanaged the tailoring business which she had
completely wrecked down. B Besides that she built a house clandestinely. Thirdly
while the appellant was away in Dar es Salaam the respondent disposed by sale three
mattresses, a bed, a refrigerator, three sewing machines, a motor cycle and so on.
There was therefore cogent evidence to prove that the respondent had grossly
misconducted herself in the management of the C matrimonial property. I would
hold accordingly that a misconduct by a spouse touching to the management of
matrimonial property is a relevant factor when the issue of division of matrimonial
property upon dissolution of marriage arises. D
The second issue - whether a spouse who mismanages matrimonial property is
entitled to equal division of such assets - must be resolved in the negative. The
District Court had rightly awarded the respondent one house out of three. The
appellant did not seem to challenge this in his memorandum of appeal. He contended
that the award of E shs.30,000/= by the District Court to the respondent would have
put the respondent to equal division of the matrimonial assets. While it was proved
that the respondent had sold the items stated above it was not stated how much
money was realised. Nor was the value of the three houses stated by either party to
this court. The value of shamba F was also not stated. The learned magistrate has
stated that the current market value of goat was shs.l,000/=. And with 30 goats
became up to shs.30,000/=. In the absence of value of the matrimonial property I
cannot say that the award of shs.30,000/= to the G respondent would make her get
more than or equal to half of the matrimonial property. Having considered the
principles which the senior resident magistrate had used in arriving at shs.30,000/= I
cannot say that he erred in this. Taking into account all factors, including the
nefarious conduct of the respondent, I am satisfied that the award of H shs.30,000/=
would not put the respondent on equal footing as regards division of matrimonial
property. The decision of the District Court is upheld. I dismiss the appeal with costs.
I Appeal dismissed.
1989 TLR p44