Court High Court of Tanzania- Arusha
Judge JH Msoffe PRM (Extended Jurusdiction)
24 April, l989 B
Criminal Law - Wildlife Conservation - Government trophy - Whether eland meat is
Government trophy - Wildlife Conservation Act, l974 (Act No. 12/1974).
Criminal Practice and Procedure - Plea of "It is true" - Whether an equivocal plea of
guilty - Admission of facts read over by prosecution - Whether makes a plea
unequivocal. C
Criminal Practice and Procedure - Sentencing - Practice - Ability to pay fine -
Mitigating factors - Whether material in sentencing -Committal to High Court for
sentencing. D
One Kulasauko Faraji Kimaro was found selling eland meat. On being asked by a
Game Officer as to how he came to possess the same, he mentioned the appellant as
the person who brought him the meat to sell. The appellant was, on the basis of this
information arrested and charged in court. In the District Court the appellant was E
charged with the offence of unlawful possession of Government trophy contrary to
section 67(1)(2) of the Wildlife Conservation Act, 1974. When the charge was read
over and explained to him he is recorded to have pleaded guilty in the words "it is
true". A plea of guilty was accordingly entered by the trial court, and facts read out
and F admitted by the appellant. Appellant was convicted and a sentence of 2 (two
years) passed against him. He is appealing against conviction and sentence, alleging
that his plea was equivocal.
Held: (i) An accused's plea should as near as possible be recorded as the accused G
says it. A plea of "It is true" without amplifications is unsatisfactory as it may not
amount to an admission of every constituent element of the charge(s). (see Bujukuno
v R. [l97l] HCD n 446);
(ii) appellant's plea was not remedied by the applicant's admission of the facts
H read over to him by the prosecution because the said facts did not disclose that the
appellant was found in unlawful possession of Government trophy, i.e. eland meat;
(iii) the facts read over to the appellant disclosed that another person by the
name of Kulasauko Faraji Kimaro was the person found in possession of eland meat I
which he was selling;
1989 TLR p60
(iv) the appellant should not have been convicted of unlawful possession of A
Government trophy, notwithstanding his admission of the facts;
(v) having convicted the appellant, the trial District Magistrate should have
investigated the financial capability of the appellant to pay a fine; B
(vi) it was wrong in the first place to have charged and convicted the appellant
under s. 67(1)(2)(a) of the Act No. 12 of 1974. Eland is a trophy which fall under part
II of the First Schedule to the Act. The charge ought to have been preferred under s.
67(1)(2)(c)(i). Appellant's conviction quashed and sentence set aside. C
Case Information
Appeal allowed.
J.H. Msoffe, PRM - E.J.: On 4/11/88, the appellant appeared before the District D
Court of Hai at Hai, on a charge of unlawful possession of Government trophy c/s 67
(1) (2) (a) of the Wildlife Conservation Act No. 12/74. When the charge was read over
and explained to him as is the usual practice, he is recorded to have pleaded guilty E
in the words "it is true". A plea of guilty was accordingly entered by the trial court,
and facts read out and admitted by the appellant. He was accordingly convicted. It
was not until 9/11/88 however, that a sentence of 2 (two) years imprisonment was
pronounced against him. He is now appealing against conviction and sentence,
alleging among other things that his plea was equivocal. F
The facts before the trial court were briefly as follows: That on 9/9/88 One Kulasauko
Faraji Kimaro was found selling eland meat at Kwasadala village. On being asked by a
G Game officer, one Siyael K. Mosha, as to how he came to possess the same, he
mentioned the appellant as the person who brought him the meat in question for sale
purposes. The Game officer went to report with the police at Bomang'ombe Police
Post. Accordingly he was accompanied back by some policemen. Before the police, H
the said Kulasauko Faraji Kimaro, who then had only 5 kilogrames, worth 350/= of
the meat remaining, maintained his earlier story that the meat had been brought to
him by the appellant. The appellant was, on the basis of this information, arrested and
charged in court.
Mr. Alute, learned State Attorney who appeared for the Respondent Republic before
I me, has urged that the conviction is not sustainable on the ground that the
appellant's plea was equivocal.
1989 TLR p61
I agree. It is clear now that according to the proceedings when the charge was read A
over to the appellant he pleaded "It is true". This court had always held that an
accused's plea should as near as possible be recorded as the accused has said. A plea of
"It is true" without amplifications is certainly unsatisfactory as it may not amount to
an B admission of every constituent element of the charge(s). Indeed this was the
same point emphasized by this court in Bujukuno v R. [1971] H.C.D. no. 446 where
Makame, J. (as he then was) said, and I quoted:
In my view the appellant did not admit every constituent of the charge and
the record does not C show that he pleaded guilty to every element of it
Mr. Alute, learned State Attorney raised another issue for consideration by this court,
D and this is whether the appellant's plea was remedied by the appellant's admission
of the facts after they had been read over to him by the prosecution. I was referred to
the case of Sebastian Gilberty v R. [1970] H.C.D. no. 281 where Mnzavas, Ag. J. (as he
then was) had this to say, and I quote: E
The appellant having admitted the facts the final question to be decided is
whether admission of the facts remedies the equivocal plea of guilty. In Paul Mathias
v R. [1970] HCD 209. Georges, C.J. when dealing with the question whether the
accused plea was F unequivocal said: Quite often an equivocal plea ... can be
remedied by a full statement of all the facts needed to constitute the offence, and an
admission by the accused person that these facts are true.
In our case, the appellant admitted that the facts were correct as narrated by the G
prosecution but the issue for consideration is whether the facts as narrated disclosed
an offence against the appellant. With respect to the trial magistrate, the facts did not
disclose that the appellant was found in unlawful possession of government trophy
i.e. H the eland meat. On the contrary the facts disclosed that another person by the
name of Kulasauko Faraji Kimaro was the person found in possession of the eland
meat which he was selling. The appellant, therefore, should not have been convicted
of unlawful possession of government trophy, notwithstanding his admission of the
facts. I
1989 TLR p62
Mr. Alute, learned State Attorney again invited this court to look at the sentence A
imposed on the appellant, and consider if it is in conformity with usual practice of the
courts in sentencing. A look at the record will show that the trial magistrate was
minded to fine the appellant if he was able to show an ability to pay a fine. As it
turned out to B be, the appellant said he was not in a position to pay any fine; and
was accordingly sentenced to the 2 year term of imprisonment. To appreciate the
point being advanced here in full the relevant trial court's proceedings of 9/11/88 are
reproduced hereunder thus: C
Date: 9/11/88
Coram: S. Musa - District Magistrate
Insp. Mwanga for pros.
Massawe B/C.
Accused present D
Accused: I will not tell as to what salary I am receiving per month. If a fine of
3,000/= could be E imposed against me I could not pay. I could not pay a fine of
20,000/= or 30,000/= either. I leave everything to the court to decide.
Accused is a first offender and the meat was possessed due to poaching, the act
which is ceased in Tanzania. The offence therefore is at an increase in Tanzania,
hence different sentence is looked for. I inquired into, as to the accused's means to
pay the fine and I am G satisfied he cannot pay the fine, the thing I cannot do
because he cannot pay the fine. However, I find no special circumstances to be
lenient to an accused. Accused to serve a term of imprisonment for two years. H
Sgd: Musa,
District Magistrate,
With respect the learned trial District Magistrate adopted a rather unusual approach.
I Having convicted the appellant, surely there
1989 TLR p63
was nothing wrong in investigating into his financial capability to pay a fine. But it is
A clear here that the magistrates, who does not say in so many words, was prepared
to impose a fine if the appellant had the capability to raise money for one.
If that was so, then he should not have changed the nature of the sentence by
aggravating it simply because the appellant could not pay a fine. I appreciate that s. B
67(1)(2)(a) of the Wildlife Conservation Act No. 12/74 under which the charge and
conviction is based, is couched in mandatory terms, and the magistrate felt he had to
impose the maximum term of imprisonment now that the appellant had said he could
not pay a fine. But, with respect, if the learned trial magistrate had carefully
researched, C he would have actually found that it was wrong in the first place to
charge and convict the appellant under s. 67(1)(2)(a) of the said Act. It is clear from
the evidence that the trophy the subject of the charge is "eland meat". Eland is a
trophy which falls under part II of the First Schedule to the Wildlife Conservation
Act No. 12/74. The D proper charge therefore ought to have been preferred under s.
67(1)(2)(c)(i) of the same Act. If the trial court had invoked this latter provisions, no
doubt, it would have been left with the duty to impose a sentence less than the 2 year
term of imprisonment. E Better still, if the trial court was minded to find special
mitigating factors i.e. small value of the meat (350/=), the appellant being a first
offender etc. it could have invoked the provisions of s. 79 (1)(b) of the same Act, and
commit him to the High Court for sentencing with recommendation for leniency and
the grounds thereto; and no wonder F the appellant could have ended up at the end
of the day with a far more lighter sentence.
In the final result the appellant's conviction cannot be upheld. It is accordingly
quashed and sentence set aside. The appellant is to be released from prison forthwith
unless he G is otherwise lawfully held therein.
Appeal allowed.
1989 TLR p64