Court High Court of Tanzania - Mwanza
Judge Masanche J
2 November, 1993
C Civil Practice and Procedure - Ex-parte judgment - Grounds for setting aside an
ex-parte judgment.
The appellant was sued by the respondent. On the date set for the hearing of the case
the appellant did not appear. The Trial District Court, ordered the case to proceed ex
parte the following day. The D case proceeded as ordered and judgment was entered
for the respondent (plaintiff). The appellant unsuccessfully applied to the Court to set
aside the ex-parte judgment and hence this appeal.
Held: The District Court was wrong to refuse to set aside the judgment it gave exparte
E (a) assuming that the respondent was properly allowed to prove his case
ex-parte, he did not prove his case on the balance of probability as required by law;
(b) the learned District Magistrate was enjoined to draw issues but in this
case no issues were drawn; and
F (c) the central issue in the case, which was special damages, was not
Case Information
Appeal allowed.
Cases referred to:
G 1. Jayantilal G. Dave v. Business Machines Ltd., Civil Appeal No. 45 of
1973 (Kenya).
2. Felix M. Shirima v. Mohamed Farahani and another, HC, DSM, Civil
Case 23 of 1981 (unreported).
3. Anglo-Cyprian Trade Agencies Ltd. v. Paphos Wine Industries Ltd
[1951] 1 All ER 873.
H November 2, 1993.
Masanche, J.: The appellant, the manager of the National Bank of Commerce was sued
by respondent, Enock Chacha in the District Court of Tarime, at Tarime. In short, it is
alleged that the respondent had presented a cheque at the bank of the appellant. The
cheque was of Shs 200,000/=. I That cheque was dishonoured by
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the bank. The respondent contended that the cheque was dishonoured wrongly. The
respondent A therefore sued the bank for this `disgrace.' He asked to be paid
damages to the tune of Shs 3,5 million.
The bank did not appear on the date fixed for the hearing of the case. The District
Magistrate, Mr B Malamsha ordered that the case should proceed to hearing exparte,
the following day. The hearing was to commence on 27 January 1993. Indeed
on that day, the respondent was called upon to adduce evidence. He did so. The
learned Magistrate wrote a short judgment. He actually termed it a C `ruling'.
Judgment was entered for the plaintiff wholly as prayed.
On 18 March 1993, the appellant, through the Tanzania Legal Corporation, applied to
have the attachment order which was issued against the bank stayed pending an
application to set aside the ex-parte judgment entered on 27 January 1993. The
application was granted. But the Court ordered D that the bank deposit with the
Court some Shs 3 million as security.
The actual application to set aside the ex-parte judgment entered on 27 January 1993
was heard on 24 April 1993. The appellants were not granted the application. They
now appeal to this Court.
The respondent, in answer, to this application by the bank, to set aside the ex-parte
judgment, E informed the Court that the applicants were themselves to blame. He
had obtained judgment and he was bound to apply for its execution. He argued that
the appellants were late in applying to set aside the ex-parte judgment.
This appeal against the decision of the District Court, refusing to set aside the
judgment it gave F ex-parte, must be allowed. There are several reasons why this
appeal should be allowed.
1. Assuming that the respondent was properly allowed to prove his case
ex-parte, he did not G prove his case on the balance of probability as required by
law. It does not follow that since a party has been allowed to prove his case ex-parte,
he can just casually go though his claims, in the hope that the Court will readily grant
the prayer. A party who proceeds to prove his case ex-parte must prove his case on
the required standard of the law. Where the H proof falls short of the required
standard, the court must dismiss the case (see the case of Javantlal G Dave v Business
Machines Ltd (1)
2. Corollary to the above, Bahati J, has said this in Felix M Shirima v
Mohamed Farahani and Another (2) It is a cardinal principal of law that in civil cases
there must be proof on the balance of the probabilities. In this case, it cannot be said
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A that the scanty evidence adduced in this Court proves in any way what
is alleged in the plaint. There must be proof of the case on the standard by law which
is on the balance of the probabilities even when a case proceeds ex-parte like in this
case. . . .
(3) The case before the learned District Magistrate was a Civil Case and it
was coming for B hearing albeit ex-parte. The learned District Magistrate was
enjoined to draw issues. No issues were drawn as far as I can see in this file.
(4) The learned magistrate should have realised that the central issue in the
case was special C damages. Special damages, in law need strict proof. As Devlin J
said in the case of Anglo-Cyprian Trade Agencies Ltd v Paphos Wine Industries Ltd
(3) at page 875:
`There exists an impression that, when pleading special
damages, one can plead a certain figure, arrived at in some way, and one can then set
up a lower figure in Court and seek to justify it. In my view that is not the proper way
to plead special damages . . .'
All these reasons make it necessary for me to allow this appeal. As Mr Gallati has
submitted, there is E a triable issue: it is that of special damages. The respondent
alleged that because his Shs 200,000/= worth of cheque was not honoured, he has
suffered special damages to the tune of Shs 3.5 million. That in itself, should have
attracted the learned magistrate to make his discretion in favour of having the whole
matter go on full trial.
F Appeal is allowed.
The case is remitted back to the District Court, where it should be heard inter-party.
But the hearing inter-party should be before another Magistrate. The order of a
deposit of Shs 3 million into Court is also set aside. The bank should have its money
G It is so ordered.
1993 TLR p231