Court Court of Appeal of Tanzania - Arusha
Judge Kisanga JJA, Ramadhani JJA and Lubuva JJA
8 November, 1993
(From the sentence of the High Court of Tanzania at Arusha, Mushi, J.)
C Criminal Practice and Procedure - Sentencing - When a Court of appeal can
interfere with the Trial Court's sentence.
D The appellant was charged with and convicted of the offence of defilement of a
girl below the age of fourteen years. He was sentenced to ten years imprisonment.
The appellant, who was a foster father of the defiled girl, appealed against the
Held: (i) It is trite principle that before a Court of Appeal can interfere with the
Trial Court's sentence, E the Appeal Court must be satisfied that either the sentence
imposed was manifestly excessive or that the Trial Court ignored an important matter
or circumstance which ought to have been considered while passing the sentence or
that the sentence imposed was wrong in principle.
(ii) All the relevant circumstances of the case were duly considered by the
learned Trial Judge when deciding on the sentence.
Case Information
F Appeal dismissed.
No case referred to.
Mrs. Sumari, for the respondent.
G Lubuva, J.A., delivered the following considered judgment of the Court:
Before the High Court of Tanzania, at Moshi, (N M Mushi J) the appellant was
convicted of the offence of defilement of a girl below the age of fourteen years
contrary to s 136(1) of the Penal Code. H He was sentenced to ten years
imprisonment. Initially, the appellant was charged with the offence of incest by male
contrary to s 158(1) of the Penal code as a first count and the charge of defilement
contrary to s 136(1) of the Penal Code in the alternative. At the end of the trial, the
appellant was I convicted of the offence of
1993 TLR p259
defiling a girl under the age of fourteen years. He has now appealed to this Court
against the A sentence of ten years of imprisonment.
The facts are brief but unpalatable and are, on the whole undisputed. The incident
took place on 21 April 1988 at a place called Shanty Town within the outskirts of the
Municipality of Moshi. The victim of this unsavoury episode is one Mwamvita d/o
Rashidi (PW4) who was at the time of the incident B nine years of age. At the time
of the trial (1991) she had reached the age of thirteen years. In 1976, the appellant got
married to Asia Zuberi (PW2). In 1978 he (appellant) again started living with
Christina Sarwat (PW1) in a separate house from that of Asia Zuberi (PW2) (not a
legal marriage). C By that time, Christina Sarwart had a child of her own with
another person. This is the victim of this ugly sexual incident, Mwamvita Rashidi
(PW4). The appellant was therefore a foster father to Mwamvia (PW4) who was
staying with her grandmother, the mother of appellant in the said area of Shanty
Town in Moshi. On the day of incident (21 April 1988) the appellant upon visiting his
mother's D house, found Mwamvita in the company of two other children - Edward
(PW3) and Rashidi who was not called in at the trial to give evidence. The appellant
instructed Edward (PW3) and the other child Rashidi to go out of the house to attend
to some shamba work nearby. Mwamvita Rashidi was therefore left behind alone
with the appellant to clean up the servant's quarters. It was during this E time that
the appellant sexually assaulted Mwamvita Rashidi. Edward, (PW3) who was with
Ramadhani at a nearby shamba on hearing Mwamvita crying, rushed to see what was
happening. He (PW3) saw the appellant in the kitchen holding on to Mwamvita's
mouth. F
Thereafter, the matter was reported to Asia Zuberi (PW2) and Christina Sarwart
(PW1) the wives of the appellant. To both PW1 and PW2 Mwamvita narrated in
detail all that the appellant had done to G her. The child victim of the incident
Mwamvita (PW4) was taken to the hospital by PW1 for medical examination. In the
normal manner in such cases, PF3 was issued as a basis of medical investigation. The
police took up the case for investigation which finally resulted in the prosecution of
the appellant who was as explained earlier, convicted and sentenced to ten years
imprisonment. At H the start of the trial, Mr Itemba, Learned Counsel was assigned
to defend the appellant. However for some reason, in the course of the trial the
appellant showed lack of confidence in Mr Itemba. Consequently another Counsel Mr
A M Shayo, Learned Advocate was assigned to defend the appellant throughout the
trial. I
1993 TLR p260
A The appellant's line of defence at the trial was denial of the offence. He claimed
that all the witnesses particularly his wives PW1 and PW2 were all out to fabricate
evidence in order to fix him (appellant). The Trial Judge rejected this defence rightly
so in our opinion. This was a case whose B determination depended on the
credibility and acceptance of the evidence of the witnesses. In our view, the Trial
Judge quite properly and thoroughly analysed the evidence of the witnesses which he
accepted as truthful. As a result the appellant was convicted of the offence of defiling
a girl below the age of fourteen years contrary to s 136(1) of the Penal Code.
C His appeal to this Court is against sentence only. In the course of hearing the
appeal and as already indicated, the appellant persistently raised arguments against
the conviction. He alleged that the witnesses particularly PW1 and PW2 his wives
had conspired to frame him. Likewise he claimed D that Mwambita (PW4) the
victim of the sexual assault and Edward (PW3) were all taught by PW1 and PW2 to
frame him. He insisted that there was no evidence that Mwamvita (PW4) was
sexually assaulted as no PF3 was tendered at the trial. The appellant further asserted
that he had intended to call witnesses who were not called to give evidence in
support of his defence. He finally pleaded with E this Court to be lenient with him
as the sentence of ten years is excessive. There was credible evidence of an unusual
conduct on the part of the appellant who disappeared soon after this incident as the
appellant was coming from the hospital in the company of his wife Asia Zuberi
(PW2) where F PW4, Mwamvita had been taken for medical examination.
According to PW2, during the time when the appellant was in hiding, she (PW2)
received a letter from the appellant in which he wrote:
`Mimi naishi porini angalia watoto.'
G The appellant denied having disappeared or written such a letter. We are in
agreement with the learned Trial Judge that it is incomprehensible that all these
witnesses particularly his wives should fabricate evidence against the appellant.
However the Court again reminded the appellant that he had H been allowed to
come to this Court on the question of sentence only. This being an Appellate Court,
matters of credibility of the witnesses are primarily the domain of the Trial Court
which has the advantage of assessing the demeanour of the witnesses and evaluating
the credibility of such I evidence. This Court will not readily interfere with the
decision of the Trial Court on such an issue.
1993 TLR p261
For the Republic Mrs Sumari learned State Attorney supported the conviction and
sentence. She A submitted that though this was not an appeal against conviction but
as the appellant had argued at length on conviction, she urges that the conviction was
properly founded. She countered that there was abundance of credible evidence
which was believed by the Trial Judge. The learned State B Attorney wondered why
all these witnesses, PW1, PW2, PW3 and PW4 should all conspire to frame a case of
this kind against the appellant. As the appeal on the conviction was without merit, it
should be dismissed in its entirety, the learned State Attorney contended. The nonavailability
at the trial of the PF3 regarding the medical examination of PW4, did not
in any way vitiate or weaken the C prosecution case. Mrs Sumari, learned State
Attorney further submitted. It was Mrs Sumari's conclusion that in the circumstances
of the case, the sentence imposed against the appellant cannot be faulted, it was
lawful and not excessive for such a shameful act. D
Though indeed as rightly pointed out by Mrs Sumari, the learned State Attorney: this
was not an appeal against conviction, on the evidence on record and the persistent
argument of the appeal before us by the appellant, the appeal against conviction is, in
our view, without any merit. We are E satisfied that there was paucity of evidence of
PW1 and PW2, the wives of the appellant which was fully supported by the evidence
of the child victim of the sexual assault (PW4) and Edward (PW3). We find it highly
incredible that both the wives of the appellant (PW1 and PW2) and the children F
(PW4 and PW3) should all conspire to fabricate evidence against him. Even granted
that PW4 was not the child of the appellant as the appellant would want this Court to
believe, that in our considered view, is no reason for her (PW4) to frame a case of this
nature against him. The record bears no evidence of a bad relationship between the
appellant and the two wives, a version which the G appellant vainly tried to canvass
at the hearing of the appeal. We do not accept that. Though we could glean from the
evidence that the victim child of the sexual assault (PW4) was experienced in sexual
intercourse for the reasons advanced by the Prosecution (at page 19 of the record)
that the H PF3 which had been handed over to the police could not be traced and
the fact that PW4 had been told by the appellant to take a wash, we are convinced
like the learned Trial Judge that Mwamvita (PW4) was sexually assaulted.
Furthermore, we are also satisfied that the learned Trial Judge was justified in his
finding that it was the appellant who defiled Mwamvita I
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A (PW4). The conviction though not a ground of appeal to this Court, can hardly be
faulted in these circumstances.
On the sentence in the circumstances of the case, there can be no doubt that this was
a serious and shameful act of sexual abuse against a child of tender age. As the learned
Trial Judge rightly B remarked, it is an offence that calls for severe punishment.
PW4, a child of tender age must in our view have suffered traumatic psychological
and mental torture at the very thought of her foster father involving himself with her
in this manner. At the hearing of this appeal, the appellant advanced no reasons to
show either that the sentence was unlawful or manifestly excessive. Having listened
to C the appellant's plea for leniency with great sympathy we see no reason to depart
from the old time established principle of criminal justice in matters of sentence on
appeal. That it is a trite principle that before a Court of Appeal can interfere with the
Trial Court's sentence, the appeal court must be D satisfied that either the sentence
imposed was manifestly excessive or that the Trial Court ignored an important matter
or circumstance which ought to have been considered while passing the sentence or
that the sentence imposed was wrong in principle. In this appeal, we are with respect
in E agreement with the contention of the learned State Attorney that all the
relevant circumstances of the case were duly considered by the learned Trial Judge
when deciding the sentence. We see no reason for interfering with the sentence
which in our view cannot be said to be excessive or unlawful.
F For these reasons the appeal against sentence is accordingly dismissed.
1993 TLR p263