Court Court of Appeal of Tanzania - Zanzibar
Judge Omar JJA, Mnzavas JJA and Mfalila JJA
25 November, 1993
E (From the judgment of the High Court of Zanzibar at Zanzibar, Hamid, C.J.)
Contract - Contract of sale - Party fails or refuses to perform an agreement - Court
can order specific F performance.
Court of Appeal - Appeals to the Court of Appeal originating from District Courts in
Zanzibar - Whether point of law should be certified for determination by Court of
Appeal - Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1979.
G Court of Appeal - Appeals to Court of Appeals in cases originating from District
Courts in Zanzibar - Leave of the High Court is required - Appellate Jurisdiction Act
The appellant was unsuccessfully sued by the respondent in the District Court for
specific H performance of an agreement for sale of land. The District Court held that
the performance of the contract had been frustrated by the intervention of the
appellant's children and clan members. The respondent appealed to the Regional
Court which held that the appellant's claims of frustration had not been proved. He
was therefore ordered to fulfill the agreement. The appellant appealed to the I High
Court which confirmed the Regional Court's decision. He further appealed.
1993 TLR p281
Held: (i) An appeal to the Court of Appeal of Tanzania in a case originating from
the District Court of A Zanzibar does not need a point of law to be certified for
determination by the Court of Appeal; such a case only requires leave from the High
(ii) Where a party to the contract has no good reason not to fulfill an
agreement, he must be forced to perform his part, for an agreement must be adhered
to and fulfilled. B
Case Information
Appeal dismissed.
No case referred to.
Mfalila, J.A., read the following considered judgment of the Court: C
In the district Court at Vuga, the respondent Hashim Ayoub Jaku sued the appellant
Mohammed Idrissa Mohamed for specific performance of an agreement for the sale of
land. The district Court D dismissed the suit holding that the performance of the
agreement of sale had been frustrated by the intervention of the appellant's children
and clan who blocked the deal on the ground that the land which contains ancestral
graves, could not be sold to an outsider. Against this decision, the respondent
successfully appealed to the Regional Court sitting at Zanzibar. The Regional Court
held E that the appellant's claims that the sale had been blocked by other interested
clan members had not been proved because no such clan members came forward to
give evidence in support of this claim. The Court therefore ordered specific
performance of the agreement of sale. The appellant unsuccessfully appealed to the
High Court against this decision. The High Court confirmed the F Regional Court's
finding that there was no evidence that there were other clan members interested in
this same land who could have lawfully blocked the sale. Against this decision the
appellant further appealed to this Court. G
The agreement of sale or its terms are not in dispute. Both the appellant and the
respondent agree that on 29 June 1989 they entered into an agreement by which the
appellant was to sell his shamba situated at Muyuni to the respondent for Shs
45,000/=. That on two different occasions, the H respondent paid a total of Shs
15,000/= as advance to the appellant to enable the latter to process the Deed of Sale.
On the first occasion, the respondent paid Shs 10,000/= and on the second occasion
Shs 5,000/=. There was thus a balance of Shs 30,000/= which was to be paid on the
execution of the Deed of Sale. At this stage, the agreement got stuck because the
appellant alleged I that he could not execute the Deed
1993 TLR p282
A of Sale due to opposition from his clan who maintained that he had no right or
power to sell to an outsider clan land containing ancestral graves. The appellant who
inherited this shamba from one Abdulfatah also alleged that as there were two other
people entitled to inherit a portion of this shamba namely Abdulfatah's widow and
one other unnamed person, he could not on his own sell this land. In B rejecting
these allegations, both the Regional and the High Court held that there was no
evidence to support them.
In his appeal to this Court, the appellant's memorandum of appeal contains four
grounds; the sum C total of which is that the Chief Justice was wrong in holding that
there was no evidence to support his contention that the sale agreement had been
frustrated by the opposition of his clan. The appellant was granted leave to appeal to
this Court by the Chief Justice who certified the following point of law for
D `That the contract of sale of the land (shamba) is null and void since at the
time of the sale of the said land, the applicant (in this application) had no title to that
land as the inheritance formalities which could have otherwise conferred the title to
him are yet to be finalised.'
E We think the best way of formulating the point of law for determination by this
Court is to put it in the form of a question rather than as it was done in this case as a
statement of fact. But the important period is that which was raised by Mr Mohora,
learned Counsel who appeared for the F respondent. He said that since this appeal
involves a case which did not originate from the Primary Court, it did not need a
point of law to be certified for determination by this Court. We agree, this appeal
does not fall under Part II of the Zanzibar Magistrate's Court Act 1985 because the
case G originated from the District Court. All the Chief Justice was required to do
was to grant leave under s 5(1)(c) of the Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1979.
Back to the substantive appeal. In all the three Court's below, the appellant's case was
that he could H not execute the Deed of Sale in favour of the respondent because
members of his clan opposed the sale on the ground that he could not sell clan land
with ancestral graves on it to an outsider and that it was forbidden to sell land to non
Africans. He added that the widow of the late Abdulfatah and another person had an
interest in the same shamba, he could not therefore unilaterally sell it. But at I the
hearing of this appeal he advanced a completely new ground for his inability to
execute the
1993 TLR p283
Deed of Sale. He said that he could not execute the Deed of Sale because the
respondent had A failed to pay the balance of the purchase price of Shs 30,000/=. He
even introduced a new element which does not appear anywhere in his evidence at
the trial. He said that the respondent failed to pay the sum of Shs 13,000/= in addition
to the Shs 15,000/= which would have enabled him to meet the costs of processing the
Deed of Sale. The question then is whether the appellant failed to B process and
execute the Deed of Sale because the respondent failed to pay the balance of the
purchase price or because the claim prevented him.
As to the respondent's failure to pay the balance of Shs 30,000/=, this allegation
appears to be C false. There is evidence supported by the Secretary of the Local
Authority (PW2) that when the respondent went on a month long visit to Pemba, he
left the money with his wife with instructions to hand it over to the appellant.
With regard to the allegation that his children and other interested members of the
clan objected to D this sale, we refer to the documents Exhibits A-D produced by a
record clerk in the Registry of Titles at the hearing of this appeal. It is clear from
these documents that at about the same time the appellant was negotiating and
concluding the sale agreement of the shamba to the respondent, he concluded the sale
of the same shamba to one Suleiman Seif Masoud for a higher price of Shs 73,000/=.
After receiving the additional advance of Shs 5,000/= on 2 August 1989 from the E
respondent, only six days later on 8 August 1989 he sold the shamba to Suleiman Seif
Masoud for Shs 73,000/= in whose favour he executed a Deed of Sale and registered it
on 30 April 1993 after completing all the formalities with the relevant local
authorities. This latter sale involving a higher F price, explains the appellant's
change of attitude towards his agreement with the respondent. He was doing his best
to find any excuse to repudiate his lower priced agreement with the respondent G
in order to cash in on the higher priced sale to Suleiman Seif Masoud. But as the
appellant will now no doubt realise, albeit a little late, he was trying to be too clever
perhaps by half. At the hearing of this appeal, the appellant sanctimoniously preached
the virtues of adhering to and fulfilling agreements and how ungentlemanly it was
not to keep one's word. We would recommend to the H appellant that he puts his
preaching into practice. The appellant was able to execute a Deed of Sale in respect of
the name shamba in favour of Suleiman Seif Masoud without any objections from his
clan, or children. It is quite clear then to us as it was to the learned Chief Justice that
the story of the I clan objections as well as the
1993 TLR p284
A alleged interests of the widow were appellant's own creations designed to defeat
the lower priced agreement with the respondent in order to keep the higher priced
agreement with Suleiman Seif Masoud. This he cannot be allowed to do. As he
himself emphasised, agreements must be adhered to and fulfilled.
B We are for these reasons satisfied as was the learned Chief Justice that the
appellant had no good reason not to fulfill his agreement of sale with the respondent
and execute the Deed of Sale in his favour. Accordingly we dismiss the appeal with
costs both in this Court and in the Courts below. C Exhibits A to D to be returned to
the Registry of Titles.
1993 TLR p284