Court Court of Appeal of Tanzania - Arusha
Judge Kisanga JJA, Ramadhani JJA and Lubuva JJA
8 November, 1993
(From the conviction of the High Court of Tanzania at Same, Kannonyele, PRM, Ext.
Jur.) E
Evidence - Alibi - Supported by witnesses of both defence and prosecution - Rejected
- Whether properly rejected. F
Evidence - Dying declaration - Corroboration - Corroborative evidence weak and
bearing unsatisfactory features - Whether can corroborate.
The appellant was charged with and convicted of murder, and sentenced to death. His
conviction G was based on the dying declaration of the deceased who consistently
mentioned him as her assaillant. The Trial Judge was satisfied that the dying
declaration was sufficiently corroborated by the evidence of PW1. During the trial
the appellant had raised the defence of alibi which the learned Trial Judge rejected.
On appeal the decision of the Trial Judge was challenged on two grounds: firstly that
the dying H declaration was uncorroborated and secondly that the appellant's
defence of alibi was wrongly rejected.
Held: (i) The dying declaration of the deceased and the evidence of PW1 involve
weakness and unsatisfactory features which sufficiently render such declaration
unreliable and make PW1's evidence incapable of supplying the necessary
corroboration to it; I
1993 TLR p242
A (ii) In the light of the weakness of the prosecution case the appellant's alibi
supported by his own witness and that of the prosecution was wrongly rejected.
Case Information
Appeal allowed.
No case referred to:
B Mchami, for the appellant.
Mrs. M. Lyimo, for the respondent.
C Kisanga, J.A., delivered the following considered judgment of the Court.
The appellant was convicted of murder contrary to s 196 of the Penal Code and
sentenced to death by the High Court (Kannonvale PRM Extended Jurisdiction)
sitting at same. He has now appealed against both conviction and sentence. In this
Court he is represented by Mr Mchami, learned D advocate while the respondent
Republic is represented by Mrs M Lyimo, learned Senior State Attorney.
The facts of the case are short although not simple. On the day of the incident the
deceased, an old E lady and her husband (PW1) were at their home talking to their
visitor (PW2) who had just arrived. Both the husband (PW1) and the visitor (PW2
were inside the house while the deceased was outside. The time was about 4 pm.
F While the conversation between the three was going on, the deceased was
suddenly attacked. She sustained a cut wound on her left loin causing haemorrhagic
shock ultimately leading to her death only shortly afterwards. The Prosecution's case
was that it is the appellant who inflicted the cut wound which caused the death of the
G The appellant denied the charge and put up an alibi.
The appellant's conviction was based on a dying declaration of the deceased which
the Trial Court found to be sufficiently corroborated. However Mr Mchami for the
appellant has submitted that the said dying declaration was uncorroborated and that
the appellant's defence of alibi was wrongly H rejected.
PW1 and PW2 testified that during the conversation while the two of them were
seated inside and the deceased outside the house the deceased was suddenly attacked
following which she cried out loudly and mentioned the appellant, her nephew, as
her assailant. Both witnesses say they went out I immediately and saw the deceased
at a distance running away. PW1 added that he saw the appellant
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about fifteen paces away entering his house and holding a panga. PW3, the deceased's
sister and A mother of the appellant testified that on hearing the alarm coming from
the deceased's house which was about twenty paces away she went out and found the
deceased who had sustained a cut wound and who told her that the appellant had cut
her with a panga. The deceased repeated this to the B policeman (PW4) who visited
her at the hospital and recorded her statement.
That is essentially what constituted the prosecution case against the appellant.
However it seems that there is substance in Mr Mohami's submission that the
conviction is unsupportable. We think that there are gaps or unsatisfactory features in
the evidence which tend to render the deceased's C dying declaration unreliable.
According to the policeman (PW4) and the post mortem examination report, it would
appear that the deceased was attacked from the back while facing in the direction of
and talking to PW1 and PW2 who were seated inside the house. PW4 said that the
deceased told him that upon her attack she D turned and saw the appellant
disappearing. That is to say, she only saw the assailant from the back. The question is
whether in the circumstances of this case the deceased correctly identified her
assailant. It is conceded that the appellant was well known to the deceased prior to
the day of the E incident and that the incident itself took place during day-light at
about 4 pm. But the attack on the deceased which was sudden and from the back
must have caused her great shock, fear and confusion. In such a state of great shock,
fear and confusion we think that the deceased's identification of her assailant who
was running away and whom she could only see from the back F cannot be all that
There was evidence that the deceased was aware of some rumours in the village that
the appellant had alleged that the deceased practiced witchcraft on him. That may
well have influenced the G deceased in coming to a wrong conclusion that she saw
and identified the appellant as her assailant who had come to settle scores with her.
The evidence of PW1 which according to the Trial Court corroborated the dying
declaration, leaves much to be desired. The witness stated that following the loud cry
by the deceased that the appellant H had cut her with a panga he and his visitor
(PW2) immediately went out of the house. He saw the deceased at a distance running
away and also the appellant entering his house carrying a panga. However PW2 who
confirms that he came out immediately following the deceased's cry, did not see the
appellant around. Like PW1 he saw the deceased at some distance running away but
to use his I own words:
1993 TLR p244
A `I had not seen the attacker that day nor did I see any other person outside
there other than the attacked woman.'
Now if PW1 claims to have seen the appellant entering his house while carrying a
panga, why was the appellant not also seen by PW2 who observed the incident from
the same vantage point? B According to PW2, PW1 did not tell him that he saw the
deceased's attacker. The question is: since both witnesses were together, why did
PW1 not point out to PW2 that he had spotted the culprit?
According to PW1 he followed the direction taken by the deceased until he reached
the police station C and on his return home the children told him that they saw the
appellant going away from his house. None of these children was called to testify on
this point which was of crucial importance in assessing the veracity and accuracy of
PW1 as a witness. The question is: why were these children D not called? And if
they were called can one say that they would necessarily support the claim that the
appellant went out of his house so soon after the attack on the deceased?
There is no evidence as to whether or not the appellant's house was searched for the
panga (the E murder weapon) which PW1 allegedly saw the appellant taking into
the house. The panga was obviously relevant because it might have had blood stains
which would provide a strong link between the appellant and the attack on the
deceased. Then the question is: if the appellant's house was not searched for the panga
why was this? And if a search was conducted but no panga was found in the F house,
what value can one put on PW1's evidence that he saw the appellant entering his
house with a panga?
Then there was evidence that after a while the appellant returned to his house and
that PW1 on G seeing him, sent for the police who came to arrest him. The question
is: if the appellant had gone out in the first instance what should make him return to
the place so soon afterwards? Since the deceased cried out loudly mentioning the
appellant as the assailant, the appellant clearly knew that he was then a wanted man.
Now if he had managed to escape arrest in the first instance why should H he bring
himself back to the obvious danger?
These are some of the matters which in our view increasingly render the evidence of
PW1 unreliable. In holding this view we take into account that PW1 is an old man of
about seventy years who admitted having poor eye-sight. Although he claimed that
this weakness is limited only to his I ability to read, we think that he
1993 TLR p245
was merely trying to play down the problem, having regard to the evidence of PW2
to the effect that A he saw no one else around except the appellant who was running
away. We also bear in mind that PW2, being the husband of the deceased, may have
exaggerated his evidence. Upon hearing the deceased mentioning the appellant as her
assailant, he might have been tempted to embellish his B story by claiming that he
actually saw the appellant in order to make it more easily acceptable and hence to
ensure that the culprit has been found.
At the commencement of the trial the appellant in terms of 194(4) of the Criminal
Procedure Act gave notice of an intended alibi. Consistent with such notice he stated
in his defence that on the day of the C incident he and his brother had left their
village in the morning for another village, some distance away, called Vujo where
they carried on the business of burning charcoal and they did not return home until
around 7 pm. The alibi was only supported by his own brother and witness (DW2)
and D also by his mother who had given evidence for the prosecution (PW3). Her
evidence was to the effect that on the material day the appellant and his brother
(DW2) had left home in the morning for charcoal burning business and that she did
not see them again for the rest of that day. In the light of E the weaknesses in the
prosecution case as pointed out above we think that the appellant's alibi supported as
it was by his own witness and that of the prosecution was wrongly rejected.
In upholding Mr Mchami's submission, we find that the dying declaration of the
deceased and the F evidence of PW1 involve weaknesses and unsatisfactory features
which sufficiently render such declaration unreliable and make PW1's evidence
incapable of supplying the necessary corroboration to it. In the result the appeal is
allowed. The conviction is quashed and sentence set aside. The appellant is to be set
free forthwith unless he is otherwise lawfully held in custody. G
1993 TLR p246