Court Court of Appeal of Tanzania - Arusha
Judge Kisanga JJA, Ramadhani JJA and Lubuva JJA
8 November, 1993
(From the conviction of the High Court of Tanzania at Arusha, Nchalla, J.) C
Criminal Practice and Procedure - Assessors - Summing up to the Assessors - Court
should not influence Assessors.
The appellant was convicted of murder and sentenced to death after his defences of
drunkenness D and provocation were rejected by the Judge sitting with Assessors.
The decision of the Court was based entirely on the credibility of the appellant as a
witness. On appeal, the appellant's advocate criticised the Trial Judge for making
certain comments during the summing up to the Assessors about the credibility of the
Held: (i) When summing up to the Assessors the Trial Judge should as far as
possible desist from E disclosing his own views, or making remarks or comments
which might influence the Assessors one way or another in making up their own
minds about the issue or issues being left with them for consideration;
(ii) The assessors should be made to give their opinions independently,
based on their own F perception and understanding of the case after the summing
up; the Judge makes his views known only after receiving the opinions of the
assessors and in the course of considering his judgment in the case;
(iii) Even though the Judge committed an error by commenting on the
appellant's credibility, this G error did not really affect the opinion of the assessors;
had it influenced their opinions, the trial would have been a nullity.
Case Information
Appeal dismissed.
Case referred to: H
1. Tulubuzya Biture v. Republic [1982] TLR 264.
D.N. Kapoor, for the appellant.
Mrs. M. Lyimo, for the Republic.
Kisanga, J.A., read the following considered judgment of the Court: I
1993 TLR p232
A This appeal arises from the appellant's conviction for murder and the sentence of
death passed on him by the High Court (Nchalla J) sitting at Arusha.
The brief facts were that the appellant and the deceased were co-workers at the
National Milling Corporation in Arusha. They were both employed there as porters or
collies and at the material time B they were also living in the same premises where
the appellant had invited the deceased to come and share a room with him. On the
material day the appellant attacked the deceased at night, cutting him with an axe
twice on the head and killing him instantly. On the following day the appellant told
C witnesses that the killed the deceased for stealing his (appellant's) mattress and a
bucket some days prior the day of incident.
In his defence at the trial the appellant raised the defences of drunkenness and
provocation. However, the Trial Judge sitting with his assessors rejected them and
accordingly convicted him for D murder.
Before us the appellant was represented by Mr D N Kapoor, learned Advocate while
Mrs M Lyimo, Senior State Attorney, appeared for the respondent Republic. Mr
Kapoor filed three grounds of appeal E which he argued together, essentially
contending that the defences of drunkenness and provocation were open to the
appellant. His contention was strongly resisted by Mrs Lyimo.
As stated earlier the Trial Court duly considered these defences but rejected them;
that decision F being based entirely on the credibility of the appellant as a witness.
In the morning following the night of the incident the appellant told Joseph Haule
(PW2) and Jumanne Kiyemi (PW3) that he had killed the deceased because he (the
deceased) had stolen his bucket and a mattress. He duly produced the axe which he
used in killing the deceased. Later on the same day he gave a similar account to G
the policeman (PW1) who recorded his cautioned statement.
In his defence at the trial, however, the appellant said that he was drunk that night
because he had taken lots of drinks. Elaborating on that he stated that on the day of
the incident he drank from 6 pm H to 10 pm. He started off with what is popularly
known as `moshi' or `gongo'. He consumed three big bottles - orange juice size - of
this stuff and then switched over to various other types of drinks. To use his own
I `I took three bottles of gongo. Three bottles of the size of an orange juice
bottle, that is the big bottles. . . . I also drank `Wanzuki'. . . . I
1993 TLR p233
also drank mbege, whisky, konyagi - every alcohol that you can think of. . . . I
drink all these types of pombe every A day.'
Then upon his return home at 10 pm he said he noticed that his property had been
stolen. This included his mattress, bedsheet, bucket and utensils, and when he asked
the deceased, the B deceased said that he knew nothing about them. In addition the
deceased told him not to ask him about the matter and further insulted him, `kuma
ya mama yako, mimi sikukuibia vitu vyako'. Whereupon, the appellant says, he
became angry, fetched an axe from under the bed and hacked him to death. C
The Trial Court duly considered the appellant's defence but rejected it. The learned
Judge and his assessors did not believe that the appellant was drunk or that the
deceased insulted him. Mr Kapoor contends that the Trial Court erred and urges us to
find that the defences of drunkenness and provocation were open to his client. D
In rejecting the appellant's defence, the Trial Court took into account that on the day
following the killing the appellant consistently explained to witnesses his reason for
the killing. PW2 and PW3 had each asked the appellant the reason for the killing and
the appellant's reply was that he killed the E deceased because he had stolen his
property including a mattress and a bucket. Later on the same day the appellant made
a detailed cautioned statement to the police officer (PW1) in which he gave the same
reason for the killing, adding that the theft leading to this killing had taken place
some days back. The appellant did not disclose or suggest to these witnesses that he
was drunk or that he was insulted by the deceased. Indeed according to PW2, the
appellant told him that when he (the F appellant) asked the deceased about the theft,
the deceased simply laughed. And when PW1 specifically asked the appellant
whether he was drunk at the time of the killing he said no, adding that he did not
take any pombe that day. G
The Trial Court took the view that if it is true that the appellant was drunk or that the
deceased had insulted him, he would have said so at the earliest opportunity when
PW1, PW2 and PW3 questioned him about the incident. Since he did not do so but
disclosed the defence only during the trial, the Court disbelieved him and found his
defence to be an afterthought. In our view that H conclusion was amply supported
by the evidence, and we can find no fault with it.
Mr Kapoor also criticised the Trial Judge for making certain comments during the
summing up to the assessors about the cred- I
1993 TLR p234
A ibility of the appellant. The Trial Judge had remarked that the appellant's
allegation that he had mixed all sorts of alcohol; mbege, gongo, whisky, konyagi and
several others was a blatant lie. He made similar remarks about the appellant's claim
that the deceased had insulted him, which the judge also said was a lie. Again the
learned Judge commented on how the appellant in the course of B his defence at the
trial prevaricated and indicated the reasons for such prevication by the appellant. For
instance the appellant at first stated that the theft of his property had taken place a
week before the killing but that on realizing that such evidence was dangerous he
quickly changed and said that it C had occurred on the day of the killing.
Mr Kapoor vigorously submitted that such remarks amounted to a misdirection in
that the Trial Judge had, in effect, made up the mind for the assessors that the
appellant had told lies. Counsel went D further and submitted that such misdirection
also, in effect, meant that the learned Judge tried the issues of drunkenness and
provocation without the aid of the assessors. But the principle long established by this
Court is that where the Trial Judge proceeded to consider and reject the E appellant's
defence without the aid of assessors, then the appellant's conviction is a nullity. See
for instance the case of Tulubuzya Biture v Republic (1). Accordingly Mr Kapoor
urged us to declare the conviction of his client a nullity.
We have given due consideration to Mr Kapoor's submission. It seems however, that
there is a F certain amount of misunderstanding here. Admittedly, the Trial Judge, in
his summing up, did make remarks about the appellant's credibility to the effect that
the appellant told lies. But he did not direct the assessors to reject or not to consider
the appellant's defences of drunkenness and provocation. It cannot be said that the
Trial Judge failed to leave those defences with the assessors for their consideration.
Indeed a perusal of his summing up clearly shows that he expressly left those matters
G to the assessors. This is born out by the last two paragraphs of his summing up in
which after reviewing the evidence and explaining the defence of provocation, he
H `Considering the above evidence, gentleman assessors, whether the malice
aforethought has been proved on the accused in the light of the various circumstances
which I have given and explained to you from which malice aforethought can be
inferred. Also consider whether the accused killed accidentally. Or whether he killed
under I provocation. Or he killed under intoxication.
1993 TLR p235
I have said about that the element of accident is ruled out, as the accused
himself also has not pursued it in his A defence at the trial. Then consider the
element of intoxication. Has the accused drunk when he committed this offence? Is
the accused's evidence on that fact believable: if you think and believe that the
accused killed under intoxication then the provisions of s 14 of the Penal Code, cap.
16 will apply to him. Firstly you will have to say B whether the accused was so
drunk that he did not know what he was doing, or if he did then he did not
appreciate the results of his act. This means the accused will be treated like a person
who kills while insane. Secondly, you will have to say whether due to intoxication
the accused could not form the specific intention for the commission of C murder, in
which case the accused will be found guilty of the lesser offence of manslaughter.
And the defence of provocation if successfully pleaded and proved, then the
same reduces the offence of murder to that of manslaughter.' D
Thus it is important to distinguish between commenting on the appellant's credibility
on the one hand, and on the other withdrawing the appellant's defence from
consideration by the assessors or failing to leave such defence with the assessors for
their consideration. All that the learned Trial Judge did E in his summing up to the
assessors in this case was to comment on the appellant's credibility when he said that
he (the appellant) had said was a lie. That did not amount to withdrawing the
appellant's defences from consideration by the assessors, and upon reading the above
quoted extract from the summing up, there can be no doubt whatsoever that the
learned Judge did leave the defences of F drunkenness and provocation to the
assessors for their consideration. Therefore, the question of nullifying the appellant's
convictions as raised and canvassed by Mr Kapoor does not arise.
Before taking our leave of the matter we find it necessary to say a few words for the
benefit of those G who preside over trials with the aid of assessors. Our observation
relates to the aspect where the Judge expresses or arises his own views when
summing up to the assessors. Where this happens, as indeed in the present case, we
think that it can influence the assessors in making up their own H minds on the
issue, or issues being left with them for consideration. For in practice assessors have
high regard and respect for the Judge and his opinion because the Judge is a learned
and experienced man in legal matters and also in human affairs. As such one would
rarely expect assessors to come up with an opinion different from that expressed by
the Judge on a particular matter. I
1993 TLR p236
A On that account it is considered appropriate that when summing up to assessors
the Trial Judge should as far as possible desist from disclosing his own views, or
making remarks or comments which might influence the assessors one way or the
other in making up their own minds about the issue or issues being left with them for
consideration. The summing up should be unbiased and B impartial such that it
leaves the assessors to make up their own minds independently. For instance where,
as in this case, the accused had given conflicting accounts of the circumstances
surrounding the killing, the Trial Judge should sum up and explain the conflicting
accounts to the assessors without showing his own opinion or inclination one way or
other; to make known his own views, as he C did, as this stage would be going too
far. He should then ask the assessors to decide whether or not in the light of the
conflicting accounts, and considering all the circumstances the accused could be
believed and if so which account was or was likely to be true. The assessors should be
made to give their opinions independently, based on their own perception and
understanding of the case after D the summing up. The Judge makes his own views
known only after receiving the opinions of the assessors and in the course of
considering his judgment in the case.
E Now the pertinent question which arises is if the Trial Judge properly directed the
assessors without commenting in the manner he did on the appellant's credibility, the
assessors would have come to a different conclusion ie that the appellant was drunk
and that he was provoked by insults F uttered by the deceased at the time of the
killing. We are firmly of the view that having regarding to the material on the record
the assessors would have come to the same conclusion as they did. For even on a
cursory glance at the evidence on record, it is evident that what the appellant stated
in Court as his defence was demonstrably false. Therefore the error committed by the
learned Judge G did not really affect the opinion of the assessors. However, it is
necessary to emphasize the need to adhere to the practice as stated above, for failure
to do so may in a proper case result in declaring the trial a nullity on appeal.
In the result we can find no justification for interfering with the appellant's
conviction for murder. That H conviction is upheld and, therefore, the appeal fails
and is dismissed in its entirety.
1993 TLR p237