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Self defence, bonafide claim of right and provocation

1. Self defence is a defence in criminal law governed by the provision of section 18 of the Penal Code. Section 18A (1) (a) empowers the person to defend himself/herself against any unlawful assault or act of violence to the body. However in exercising the right of self defence section 186(1) of Penal Code requires a person to use reasonable force as may be necessary for the defence. 

2. Bonafide Claim of Right: is a criminal defence that exonerates the accused person from criminal liability. It is governed by section 9 of the Penal Code. It is invoked when the act done or omitted to be done by the person with respect to the property was done in the exercise of an honest claim of right and without intention to defraud.

3. Provocation is a defense to criminal liability which if pleaded successful the court is required to exercise leniency. It is governed by the provision of section 201 and 202 of the Penal Code. It is invoked when the person assaults the other person

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