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Review is governed by the provision of section 78 and Order XLII of Civil Procedure Code. It is an act of a Court to reconsider its own decision or order. It is applied for by the party who considers himself aggrieved by a decree or order from which appeal is allowed but from which no appeal as been preferred; or it can be applied for, the party who considers himself aggrieved by a decree or order which no appeal is allowed. 

Note: Grounds for Review are: 

* Upon discovery of new and important matter or evidence which after the exercise of due diligence was not within knowledge of the party or could not be produced by him at the time when decree was passed or order made, or 

* Upon discovery of some mistake or error apparent on the face of record, or 

* For any sufficient reason.

limitation period for Review?

The limitation period for applying for Review is governed by 1st Scheduleto the Law of Limitation Act, no. 10 of 1971, Part III at item No.3 describes period within which to apply for Review of Decree, Judgment or Order is 30 days.

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