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Does the Opinion of Assessors bind judges in murder cases? (Law school bar questions)

The opinion of assessors does not bind the judge. The judge can disagree with the  unanimous views of the assessors.  However, the trial  judge is required to give reason for  so  disagreeing. See  views of judges of Court  of Appeal of Tanzania in *Abdalah Bazamiye & others vs. Republic  [1990] TLR  42  pg  45. 

What happens if assessors are not given opportunity to put questions to witness?

Assessors’ full  involvement in the trial  is an essential  part  of the process,  its omission is fatal, and renders the trial  annullity as per Lordships’  views in  Abdallah Bazamiye  & Others vs. Republic [1990] TLR 42 

Why the  trial  is rendered  a  nullity  If  the assessors are not given opportunity to put  questions? 

The duty of assessors is to aid the trial  judge in accordance with section 265  of Criminal  Procedure Act  and section 177 of the Evidence  Act allows the assessors to  put  questions.   

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