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Living Will (will in Tanzania)

THIS is the last will and testament of me MMMMMMM of Post Office Box Number … … … … Nairobi and I hereby revoke all former wills codicils and other testamentary dispositions made by me.

1.                  I appoint NNNN of Post Office Box Number … … … … and RRRRR  of Post Office Box Number … … … … Nairobi (hereinafter called “my trustees” which expression shall include the trustee or trustees for the time being hereof) to be the executors and trustees of this my will.

2.      I give to my trustees all my real and personal property whatsoever and wheresoever (including any property over which I may have a general power of appointment or disposition by will).

3.          My trustees shall hold the said property upon trust to retain or sell the same with power to postpone the sale thereof for so long as they shall in their absolute discretion think fit without being liable for loss.

4.         My trustees shall hold the proceeds of such sale and all unsold and retained property and my ready money upon the following trusts:
(a)              To pay my debts and funeral and testamentary expenses;
(b)              Subject thereto for my wife DDD absolutely; but
(c)              If my wife shall die in my lifetime then the same shall be held for my son AAAAAAA absolutely.
5.                If my said son shall die during my lifetime or after my death leaving a child or children alive at or born after my death then such child or children shall take by substitution and if more than one in equal shares the share or shares of my estate which my said son would have taken under clause 4(c) above.

IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand this . day of  ….. 1999.
Signed by the above-named                                          )
MMMMMMMMMM                                                    )
as his last will in the presence   of us present          )
at the same time who at his request in his                )
presence and in the presence of each other               )
have hereunto        subscribed our names as             )
witnesses                                                                            )
Testator:                                                                  )
Witness:                                                                  )
1. Name: ……………………………………     )
    Address: …………………………………      )
   Occupation: ……………………………..       )
Witness:                                                                  )         
2. Name …………………………………….     )
    Address: …………………………………      )
   Occupation: ……………………………..       )

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