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Will and testament (will in Tanzania)


of me,------------------------------------------------ of P.O Box

1.   I HEREBY APPOINT  -------------------------------------- of P.O Box ---------------
     Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to be the Sole Executor of this my WILL.

2.   I HEREBY DEVICE my interest in that piece or parcel of land situate in the District of -------------- containing ----------- square feet known as Plot No.-------------
     Area, ------------------- and registered under certificate of Title No. --------------------- to
     my wife ------------------------------------- and my son --------------------------------- jointly as joint tenants in undivided equal shares;

3.   I HEREBY DEVICE my interest in that piece or parcel of land situate in -----------
     -------- District containing approximately -------------------------- acres known as Farm
     Nos. ------------- and ----------------- Plan No.--------------------- and registered under
     Certificate of Title No. ------------- . --------- to my wife -------
     ------------------ and my children -----------------------------------------------------------------
     and ----------------------------------- jointly as joint tenants in undivided equal shares;

4.   I HEREBY DEVICE my interest in my house at -------------------- known as Plot
     No.---------------------------------------------------------- to --------------------------------

5.   I HEREBY BEQUEATH my interest in  any motor vehicle that may be belonging to me at the time of my death to ------------------------------------

6.  I HEREBY BEQUEATH my shares in and Company etc.


                 to my children --------------------------------------------------- and ------------------------------    
     jointly in undivided equal shares;

7.  I HEREBY BEQUEATH my interest in the following bank accounts:-

(a)       National Bank of Commerce                           Branch _________________

(i)  Current Account No.
(ii) Savings Account No.

            (b)       National Bank of Commerce                         Branch__________________
(i)  Current Account No.
(ii) Savings Account No.

            ( c)       National Bank of Commerce                                    Branch__________________

(i)  Current Account No.
(ii) Savings Account No.
(iii) Current Account

            (d)       Standard Chartered Bank                             Branch__________________
(i)  Savings Account

(e) United Republic of Tanzania 29% “B” Stock  to my wife ---------------------  
     ----------- and my children ------------------------------------------------------------   
     and------------------------------ jointly in undivided equal shares after deducting
     the money necessary for meeting the costs mentioned in Clause ------------------

8.   I HEREBY BEQUEATH my interest in the following bank accounts to my wife ------

            (a)        Standard Chartered Bank, Eldoret, Kenya
(i)  Savings Account No.

            (b)       Standard Chartered Bank, _

(i)  Current Account No.
(ii) Savings Account No.

9.         I DIRECT that:

            (a)        Any property not mentioned in this my WILL which will be belonging to 
                        me at the time of my death shall be distributed by my said Executor in his
absolute discretion;

(b)       Any furniture and equipment which is in any of the houses mentioned    
                        hereinabove shall be part of the house and any furniture, equipment and
machinery in the farm shall be part of the farm.

10.  I FURTHER DIRECT that if my said --------------------------------- shall predecease        
       me, ----------------------------------------------- shall take ------------------------ by substitution the administration of my estate as ----------------------------- would have done if he had survived me.

11.  I AUTHORISE my Executor to pay all debts and funeral expenses in connection with obtaining the PROBATE of this WILL.

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF  I have set my hand this ……………………. Day of ……………………. One Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Four.s

SIGNED by the above named ___________           }
___________________ as his LAST WILL            }
in the presence of us both present at the                   }
same time who at his request in his                           }……………..
presence and in the presence of each other               }
have hereunto subscribed our names as        }
witnesses                                                                   }

Signature  …………………………………
Postal Address: …………………………..
Qualifications: …………………………….

Signature ……………………………………
Postal Address: ………………………………
Qualifications: ………………………………

Signature …………………………………..
Postal Address: ……………………………….
Qualifications: ……………………………….


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