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Will and testament (will in Tanzania)

            I,….. of …. ,make this my last will and testament ,and hereby revoke all earlier wills and                     codicils.

FIRST except as provided in paragraph the SECOND, I give all my personal effects and all other tangible personal property I own at the time of my death, not including any cash, bank books, certificates of deposit, securities or other intangible personal property, to if she survives me.

SECOND, I give all personal property inherited by me from my, to my wife, should she survive me, for her life, and then in equal shares to any of my children who survive her or to the issue surviving her of such deceased  children, provided, however, that if none of my children or their issue survive her, the said personal property shall be distributed in equal shares to the lineal descendents of -------.

THIRD, I give to my --------------, if he survives me, all of my stock in -------, Enterprise.

FOURTH, I give to  CHURCH/TEMPLE ------ a sum equivalent to one tenth (1/10) of all of the intangible personal property I own at the time of my death.

FIFTH, I give to my wife, should she survive me, all real property or interests in real property which I own at the time of my death.

SIXTH, I give the remainder of my property, of whatever type and wherever situated, as follows:
1.   To my wife, if  she survive me.
2.   If my wife does not survive me, in equal shares to my children and to the issue of any deceased child.
3.   If my wife does not survive me and if I am not survived by any children of mine or their issue, in equal share to St. Mary’s Church,------,-----,and ----.

SEVENTH, I fully understand who my heirs at law would be upon my death and have intentionally not provided for those not specifically indicated in this will.

EIGHTH, I nominate my wife as executor of my will, or if she fails or ceases to serve,…….., Esq. of …….

            I direct that any person appointed to serve as the executor or administering my estate in any    and all jurisdictions, collects all my dues and pays all my just debts.

NINTH, I appoint my wife to be guardian of the person and property of each minor child of mine. If she fails or ceases to serve as guardian, I appoint …. to serve in her place.

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand this      day of      ,1997.______________

          Signed, declared and acknowledged by …………… as and for his will in the presence and in              the presence of one another subscribe our names hereto as witnesses.

____________________                                          _____________________
           (Name)                                                                       (Address)

____________________                                          _____________________
            (Name)                                                                      (Address)

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