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Last will and testament (will in Tanzania)

 Last Will and Testament Of

____________(1)____________ I, ________(2)__________, of _____________(3)_______________ being of sound anddisposing mind, do hereby make, publish and declare the following to be my Last Will and Testament, revoking all previous will and codicils made by me.

 I declare that I am married to _________(4)_________, to which I have referred to herein as my "spouse", and that I have __(5)__ children now living whose names and birth dates are: (List Children's Names and Birth dates)

 I have _(6)_ deceased children.
All references to "my children" in this will include all of the above-named children and also anychild hereafter born or adopted by me.
I My spouse and I are executing wills at approximately the same time in which each is the primary beneficiary of the other. These wills are not being made because of any contractual agreement between us, and either will may at any time be revoked by either maker at the sole discretion thereof.

II I appoint my spouse as personal representative of my will. If unable or unwilling to act, or to continue to act, as executor of my will, I then appoint ___________(7)___________ as personal representative of my will.No bond or other security of any kind shall be required of any personal representative appointed in this will.

My personal representative, whether original, substitute or successor, shall hereafter also be referred to as my "executor".

III I direct that my executor pay all of my funeral expenses, all state and federal estate, inheritance and succession taxes, administration costs and all of my debts subject to statute of limitations, except mortgage notes secured by real estate, as soon as practical.

 IV I give, devise and bequeath all of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, of whatever kind and character, and wherever located, to my spouse, provided that my spouse survives me.

 I make no provision for my children, knowing that, as their parent, my spouse will continue to be mindful of their needs and requirements.

V If my spouse does not survive me, then I give, devise and bequeath all of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, of whatever kind and character, and wherever located, to my children per share, and I direct that the share of any child of mine who shall have died leaving no issue shall be divided among my surviving children in equal per shares.

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