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Guarantor's affidavit


I, KITUNGUU MBOGA, an adult, male and resident of Dar es salaam P.O. Box 725224, Dar es salaam in the United Republic of Tanzania do hereby solemnly swear and state as follows:-

1.    That I am a businessman based in Dar es Salaam and Managing Director of  UGALI COMPANY.

2.    That I am the best friend and sponsor of Mr. JEMBE JEMBE who has been admitted to join Texas Southern University in the United States of American to pursue a bachelor degree in Mathematics.

3.  That the said course commences on the January of 13th 2002 for a maximum duration of (4) years.

4.    That I undertake to take full responsibility (through my afore mentioned company) for any charges in travelling and educational expenses throughout his stay in America and all other incidental costs as the case may be.

5.    That I undertake to be responsible for all acts and / omission that will be committed by the applicant throughout his stay in America and vice versa.

6.    That I humbly pray that the applicant is granted a visa to enter the United State of America for his studies.

7.    What it stated here in above is true to the best of my own knowledge.

Dated at Dar es Salaam this                    date of                 2001.

SWORN at Dar es Salaam by the said 
KITUNGUU MBOGA                     
who is known to me personally
this             day of                 2001    

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